
"Raikage-dono, the preparations are almost complete. Our troops will be ready for orders in a week and a half's time." Placing a hand on his chest and bowing, Dodai spoke in a respectful tone.

Hearing his attendant's words, the third Raikage nodded. "How are the other villages coming along?"

"They should arrive at the same time as us. Everything is going smoothly." Dodai had an eyepatch covering his eye and a small goatee. "Soon, we'll be able to launch the offensive on Uzushiogakure."

"Mm. What about Tomio's team? Have they successfully retrieved the scroll and delivered our fake reply to Konoha?" A's powerful voice resounded across the office, as he placed his elbows on the desk.

"We haven't heard of them after boarding the ship..."


"Raikage-dono, please calm down. It's possible that they've encountered eddy waters, and still haven't reached the land of whirlpools." Closing his only eye, Dodai spoke calmly. "If we don't receive any information from them in the next two days, we can consider them dead."

"Grr... If they fail in their mission, it will cause us some trouble..." Picking up a nearby vase with his enormous hands, A crushed it to pieces. "Then again, it might work in our favor. If those bastards from Konoha find out early and choose to defend the Uzumaki, we'll weaken them before the war."

Smiling, A tapped his fingers on the desk. "Either way, we've got the advantage. Make sure the other Kages are informed about this situation."

"Hai!" Nodding, Dodai excused himself and walked out of the office, leaving A by himself.

He could feel the tensions rise between villages. Sooner or later --at most a year from now-- a war would inevitably break out. Looking at his village through the windows, the Raikage smiled.

'We shall emerge as the victors second shinobi world war!'


As usual, Danzo sat on his veranda, contemplating the recent turn of events.

Too many things were happening at the same time, making him feel like he was no longer in control. Instead of just a faint feeling, he now knew that things had spiraled so much that he had no way of predicting anything.

"First, the Uchiha join the Anbu and become subservient. Second, a fourteen-year-old from their clan kills an S-rank criminal. Third, the Hyuga clan mysteriously have their seals removed and plan a coup."

"And now, the Uzumaki clan has agreed to join the leaf..." Danzo felt like banging his head on a wall, frustrated to the core. If the Uzumaki joined the leaf, it would inevitably tilt the power balance, with he Uzukage taking up a position equal to the Hokage's.

The details of this alliance hadn't yet been fleshed out, but word that once Ashina stepped down from his position, the Hokage would become the sole leader of both powers. Of course, if an Uzumaki showed enough ability, they could also become Hokage one day, making it fair.

Until then, it would be a mutually beneficial relationship, with the Uzumaki slowly integrating with the village. This wouldn't be hard, given their history and reputation as close friends of the Senju. It would be like having your cousin live in your house.

'This might lead to a problem in allegiances...' This was what Danzo feared the most. If the Uzumaki refused to become part of the leaf, and still stuck to their ways, Danzo was considering their removal.

'Why is all of this happening so quickly... I'll keep an eye on them for the time being...'


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, Daniil, Bradley, Garim, and MrOtter!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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