The mysterious chef identity..

Before anyone could say anything, Lee Hyun steps out "Hah..Boss, Why don't you head inside, first? Miss Bae is new, so she still is unaware of many things. I will make sure she learns everything."

Jin walks casually as if nothing happened.

Yoona also gave you a gaze that clearly mocked you as though saying 'Are you stupid?' before going after the CEO.

'Why do I think I f*cked up?' You sigh. You get ready to get scolded.

"Bae Y/N, Have you eaten your lunch?" asks Lee Hyun.

"Huh?" You look at the man in front of you, surprised, not expecting him to ask you something like that in this situation.

You still shake your head "I haven't yet, I was planning to eat in the cafeteria."

"Then, Let's go. Have lunch together." As soon as he finishes his words, he turns around and begins to walk.

"Huh? Wa-Wait! Sir!.. Aren't you supposed to scold me? Sir!" You rush inside.



"Really? No one below two years of experience in the company can head home early? I knew the CEO was strict when it came to working but I didn't think there was such a rule here."

You were utterly shocked. 'No wonder, Vice President Cha looked at me that way. I want to rip my mouth off. I should've consulted with Sir Lee first, I am such an idiot.'

You hang your head low.

Seeing your reaction, Lee Hyun sighs before speaking "Now you know, be careful with your words around Boss. It's a good thing, I stood up, otherwise, he would've probably made you overwork alone until late at night."

You widen your eyes "What? Is it true? B-But, It's only my first day. I don't even know many things. He won't be that ruthless, will he?"

Lee Hyun shakes his head "Miss Bae, The CEO doesn't care about those things, If you make a mistake as simple as a grammatical error in the report, he will make you write the report a hundred times before you can finally go home."

"Not only that, one time, a staff member didn't greet Madam Kim, I have not seen him after that. Another one, when he was going around the company, he caught two employee couples being lovey-dovey, I have never seen them as well. Another.."

As Lee Hyun continues to tell you about the various incidents that took place in the company resulting in the wrath of the cold, merciless, ruthless CEO, your jaw kept dropping, chills running down your spine.

'What shall I do? There's no way I can go home early after hearing all these. I promised to work hard, Maybe I should just stay till the office hours finishes..but Madam Kim made such a special request.'

You all must be wondering about the request Madam Kim made to Y/N, to know that, Let's go back to thirty minutes ago..

-Inside the car-

"Y/N, You used to cook when you were in the Mingle restaurant, in absence of the chef, right?" 

You slightly flinch. 'How did she..No, That's not the point, Why is she bringing that topic up right now?'

You just nod your head "Yeah. Boss Yoo used to make me cook whenever the chef was late or took a leave."

'Though she never even thanked or praised me..let alone paying me a bonus.' You regret not being bold and asking for one.

"How did you know?" You ask.

Madam Kim flashes her usual kind smile before replying "I am not a regular in that restaurant, but still visited often. One time, I noticed the taste of the food was distinct from the usual and was way more appetizing. I asked the manager, who prepared it and she informed me that it was a new chef."

"I liked it so much, I brought the food home, for Jin-ah to have a taste. Actually, he doesn't eat much, barely eats a bowl of rice even after I persuade him, however that day, He ate two bowls without me saying much. I couldn't be happier."

You see Madam Kim's eyes sparkling with joy reminiscing that moment. 

'It can't be me, right?.. Nah, Many new chefs indeed were hired when I was there?.. And, I don't think my cooking is that good enough for the cold CEO to eat an additional bowl of rice. Maybe he was just hungry.'

You just sit there and quietly listen to her, putting a stop to your thoughts.

"Yesterday, I contacted the manager again, because I wanted the birthday feast to be made by that chef, but she told me that she left recently. Since I wanted to hire the chef and asked for information about her, The manager couldn't help but disclose that you were the chef we were talking about all along."

She grabs your hand and beams "You don't know how pleasantly surprised I was when I heard that. The mysterious chef who made that unforgettable dish which even impressed my son, was actually my helper, my son's employee, Bae Y/N."

You keep blinking your eyes, looking at the joint hands. 'So, she was really talking about me. Never in my dreams, I would've imagined, that dish I made while cursing Boss Yoo, was for Madam Kim and the CEO. Wait..So, This is the reason she asked me to make dishes for the CEO, today?'

As realization hits you, You start to get nervous. 'I haven't cooked for long.'

"Y/N, Would you let this mother feel happiness again?" Madam Kim gazes at you, her eyes glimmering with hope.

The fear of disappointment and failure to meet the expectation begin to engulf your heart. 'Just refuse politely. She is just asking, not forcing. I am not confident about this. What if something goes wrong?'

You open your mouth to decline, yet before you could, you hear her.

"Oh, And Don't worry. I am not that selfish to want it for free, You will get the payment for your work." 

The word gets stuck in your throat. Biting your lips, you remain silent for a moment before forcing out a chuckle "Hah, Don't fret about it, Aunty. You have already given me the chance to work in one of the biggest companies. It would be impudent of me to decline you. I will arrive early and cook some dishes for the CEO."

Caressing your hands, Madam Kim's smile was reaching her ears "Thank you, Oh and Can you keep this all secret from him?"


"The thing is that day, he also noticed the food tasted different and asked me who made it since he knew for sure it wasn't the household chefs and he hates food made by outsiders whom he doesn't know in advance, so I lied to him that it was made by me." Mrs Kim chuckles awkwardly.

She continues "Of course, he didn't believe me, so I just lied about me starting to learn cooking. Today, I will give the credit to the rightful owner. So, Bae Y/N, be prepared." 



"Miss Bae?"

"*Sigh* What should I do? I am so done. I have such an important thing to do." You wince, banging your head on the table. 

'How can Madam Kim not know that her son doesn't allow newcomers to head home early? Now, What am I supposed to do?'

Lee Hyun panicked, he had no idea his words would lead you to such distress, he forwards his hand to put between your head and the table when..

"Please refrain yourself from smashing the table. If you want to hit your head that hard, the wall is tougher than the table."

You immediately stop and glance beside you at the person who made such a remark, only to be stunned.

A handsome and tall man was standing with plates in his hands. Flowers bloom around him, his long blonde hair fluttering in the wind. (PS. No one knows where the flowers and the wind are suddenly appearing from.)

'Wait..Long blonde hair? Tall? Handsome?'
