Chapter 1: Any Other Day

As any other day, I sat in my seat during lunch, mindlessly peering out the window next to my seat. It was pretty loud with the chatting of all the other students at the illustrious Oxfield Academy. As the nice, warm sun was beating down on me, I slowly dozed off, and finally fell asleep against my arm. I knew I could sleep through English class, but that was only another hour. Soon after the bell rung, a few of the other students started messing with me to wake me up. Right when I woke up, I saw one of them preparing to use his lighting skill to wake me. I bolted up out of my chair and got on my knees to apologize so I wouldn't be shocked silly. I then picked up my school bag and quickly ran away towards the waiting room. I was dreading the arrival of this next class, field training.

Field training was the classes one starts when they enter the Oxfield Academy High School Division. This class was to prepare us for our Reapers License, which those who attended this training academy were forced to try for during their senior year. Though, for those like me who haven't manifested any abilities yet, it was utter hell. We were forced into a survival zone where there is no supervision, and we are supposed to fight our way through the Homians, which were deadly monsters of many shape and sizes that could easily kill a normal human in an instant. The only bright side to this is that it is only a once in a month event. The down side is that I'm always targeted, because I also have low physical strength. This is where my nickname comes from, "The Worst Loser."

Two boys were talking before the instructor came, but as I arrived they started to raise their voice, "It looks like the loser today won't be us, that's for sure, haha"

As the first one finished talking, the other boy known as Oliver came over to me and whispered while walking by me and said, "No one will care if someone dies during field training." Then he walked on chuckling, which sent a shiver down my spine. Right after, the female instructor who was very pretty with long brown hair walked into the white waiting room, and suddenly the whole room quieted down. My only thought was, "Today was the day someone decided to finish me off."

Then the instructor gave the signal and we were all teleported in separate directions across the grounds into the dense forest. The only equipment we are given is a medium-sized bag with a holograph map which showed all the students in the field, and basic survival supplies like a sleeping bag and a potable magic stone burner. Also, a small survival knife for cutting food, but not strong enough to kill. I decided to pull out the holographic map, and turned it on. It shows a 3-D hologram of the field with red dots all around the edges of the circle moving towards the center. Only one dot wasn't, but was instead moving in my direction incredibly fast. It must be Oliver, a lightning type user. I picked up my stuff and started running at full speed towards the center. After about five minutes of running, I stopped and pulled out my holographic map and looked for his dot, but it was gone. The only way for this to happen was for him to be extremely close. With this thought my entire body tensed up and the only thought in my mind was the fear of death.