Chapter 2: The End?

As my fear started to well up inside me, my survival instincts kicked in and my senses heightened. It felt as if I were prey before a mighty beast. Just then I heard a stick crack.

(Snapping and Cracking sounds)

I looked back behind me and saw a shadowy figure approaching from behind a tree. "Hello Dylan, or should I say, The Worst Loser." The sharp tone of his voice and his speed brought only one name to mind.

"Oliver, please don't kill me, I don't want to die." I had nothing to do other than to beg for my life and hide my survival knife behind my back. I slowly shuffled closer to him and grabbed at his legs pleading. Though, all that I got in return was a cold glare. Oliver then started to make a lighting blade with both hand.

"This is the end, and to reward your begging, I'll kill you quick, ha ha ha."

Just before he released his light speed attack, I made my move and lunged out with my survival knife. Just as Oliver saw my move he launched his deadly lighting straight towards my head. I had my eyes closed, but felt my knife hit something that felt like skin. As I opened my eyes I saw the bolt stopped right before my face, and slowly dissipating. I then looked to my right and saw Oliver underneath a majestic and huge Homian Wolf. It had white fur with three horns in a triangle formation with scarily strong fangs. Though, he could also see that what he cut was not Oliver, but the wolf that lunged at him. When I was observing the Homian Wolf, I remembered what our instructor said about the master of this field, it was a giant white wolf with three horns. As this wolf had killed Oliver, his might feared me and I ran straight for the cave outline in the darkness.

While I was running, the Homian Wolf finished his "meal" in one gulp and chased me at an unbelievable speed. As I noticed this I swerved, trying to lose him, but it actually saved my life. The wolf jumped at me, and bit off part of my right side. While blood was gushing everywhere, my nerves went dead, and I just kept running. As soon as I got to the cave through the dense forest, the Homian Wolf was just behind me. Though, as I walked into the cave it lowered its head and started to whimper and back away from the cave. Even though I made it to this "safe zone" my vision was blurry, I was dizzy, and I couldn't feel my body. The only thought in my mind was, "I guess I'm finally going to die, huh." Just as this thought passed on through my mind, I saw a crystal clear, blue lake in a wide open space.

As this was my only hope, I slowly waddled over to it, as if I were drunk. Just as I made it to the lake, I bent down for even the smallest drop of water, but I couldn't control my body and fell in. With no energy in my body I couldn't even struggle and started to sink deep into the water. Even though death didn't scare me earlier, as it was truly happening, all I wanted was to live, and with this thought, I put all my energy into reaching up with the hope of a savior. Just as my arm reached it's full extent, I clenched my hand and blacked out.

Just then a heavenly aura surrounded my body and slowly lifted my seemingly lifeless body out of the lake and into the air. This aura also awakened me, and I could barely see the blonde woman with a voluptuous body in all white clothing with a heavenly presence about her. With an extremely gentle and sweet voice she said, "What do you wish for?"

"I just live...and...become stronger than...anyone"

"Wish granted, all your physical wounds will be healed, and you will be granted the ability to change yourself and the world. The ability will match you and your personality. You were lucky to land in Heaven's Mystical Lake, now take care."

As she said her goodbyes, the pain from the healing of my body was so intense that I passed out. After two days, I awoke hungry and thirsty, and got up recognizing, the angel as a dream, but then I realized that my body was completely healed. Then the thought came to my mind, what was this magnificent ability I was gifted? Though, I decided whatever it was, I'll keep it hidden until I'm strong enough to defend myself.