Chapter 5: The Beginning

Now that I got my books, I needed to test to see if reading actually increased my intelligence points. Though, it would be a waste of time to just read if it had no effect. With this thought, an idea came to my head, what if I read while I exercised. I thought it was stupid at first, but what if it actually worked. So I started my daily workout, with knowledge added on.

Everyday, it felt like it was getting easier, since I could get stronger almost instantly, and because of that it was much easier to read while doing it. Suddenly I heard a familiar sound and was quite surprised.


[Due to your luck stat being so high, a new skill was created due to continuous work]

Skill- Multitasking (Level-1)


Allows the user to do multiple things at once.

(Number of available things-2)

'Wow, a skill, I didn't even think of that when I was experimenting with my ability, but if I do have that ability, could I already have some skills?!"

While I thought about this, I started to wonder, how would I check my skills, would I just have to think of a skills page?

As if to answer my question, a mysterious page appeared in-front of my eyes. A little taken aback by this I stumbled backward and fell on my butt. I got up and slowly moved my eyes towards the screen.


-Character's Body


Gives one the body of a game character, meaning one can't take fatal damage, and won't get tired.

-Save Point

Active (Mana to use: 100)-

Allows one to create a save point that will bring themselves back to that point if their health reaches 0.



Allows for the user to be able to use and do multiple things at once. The amount of things available rises with level.

(Number Available: 2)

This brought a thought, that if my ability is related to games, then does that mean I can also learn skills from books?

After this thought process, I started going through my books to look for some sort of message to appear. After about 10 minutes of searching, a message appeared on one of the books.


[Would you like to learn this skill: (Yes/No)]

The message appeared on an ancient blacksmithing book, so I'm assuming that the skill would be some sort of crafting skill. With that in mind, there was no reason to turn it down anyway, so I thoughtlessly agreed.


[You have acquired the skill "Crafting", level it up to improve the quality of your craftsmanship.]

This was an even better skill than I could have hoped for. With this, there is a possibility if I level it up enough I can create S-tier artifacts.

Each time I've learned something about this ability, it seems as if I get a little bit more unbalanced. Well, whatever, I guess I better get back to trying to find more skills.

After going through every book that Zinna could provide me with I ended up with a few more useful skills.


-Character's Body (Level-Max)


Gives one the body of a game character, meaning one can't take fatal damage, and won't get tired.

-Save Point (Level-Max)

Active (Mana to use: 100)-

Allows one to create a save point that will bring themselves back to that point if their health reaches 0.

-Multitasking (Level-1)


Allows for the user to be able to use and do multiple things at once. The amount of things available rises with level.

(Number Available: 2)

-Crafting (Level-1)

Active (Mana to use: 50)

Gives one the ability to make anything, but the level needed per object goes up with intricacy.

-Martial Arts of the 4 Elemental Gods (Level-1)

Active (Mana to use: 0)

The basic forms of the strongest martial arts created by the 4 gods of earth, fire, water and wind. Once the level reaches 10, the advanced elemental techniques.

-Summon Spirit (Level-1)

Active (Mana to use- 20)-

Summons a spirit as strong as the level of the skill. An additional 10 mana will be used for every minute the spirit is summoned.

-Stat Boost (Level-1)

Active (Mana to use: 50)-

Raises all stats by 100% for 3 minutes, but decreases all stats by 50% for 10 minutes. Increase in skill level will increase duration, and decrease negative duration.

"Now that I'm looking at all of them, I really have gained some impressive power."

Though, there is still much for me to do, firstly, I have to train to become stronger. With this, I continued to work on my skills and stats for the next 3 months. During those 3 months each of my skills became level 4 except for Multitasking, which was level 6, and Martial Arts of the 4 Elemental Gods, which was level 5. Also, my status points made a huge leap in numbers.

With this, it was time to start grinding out levels and status points.


Name: Dylan Hover Hp: 220

Class: None

Title: None

Level: 12 Experience: 45%

Mana: 20 (+100)

Strength: 8

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 10 (+20)


Luck: 25 (+30)

Vitality: 10

(Status Points Available: 50) (-50)

As I was able to procure enough status points, I added enough so I could make a Save Point, and put the rest in luck, so I might be able to get items and stats faster. With all the preparations made, I started to exclaim to what seemed like the world.

"I'm ready for what you have in store for me."

After that, I proudly marched towards the door ready to start the real adventure. As I was expecting the doors to open to my power, I kept walking completely forgetting that they were reinforced, and power walked straight into them. After about 5 seconds I passed out. I then woke up the next day with a vengeance for the door, so I then prepared to blast it wide open.