Chapter 4: Experimentation

Right after what seemed like a game system said that I inherited the power of The Game, a weird screen appeared in front of me. It was like a status screen from a video game.


Name: Dylan Hover HP: 100

Class: None

Title: None

Level: 1 Experience: 0%

Mana: 20

Strength: 5


Intelligence: 10


Luck: 0

Vitality: 6

(Status Points Available: 0)

These stats were were worse than I expected. A base level one character has a straight base stats of ten. Not to mention his luck was zero, but no matter how much he complained, the truth of the matter was that each stat was completely true. With this thought, I felt a little saddened, but most of all hungry. Suddenly, as what seemed like a response to my thoughts, another message appeared.


[New Quest Created: Intake Nutrients]

{Details: Eat some food to quell your hunger. The more nutritious your meal, the higher your rewards.#

The system didn't have to tell me twice, I got up and headed over to the foreign technology stationed in the wall. When I made it over, there was a panel to select a meal plan entirely made for nutritional value. After I tapped on one, it was is a meal was made in an instant in the slit under the machine. Though, it was instantly materialized, it was one of the most delicious meals I ever had. Plus, once I finished eating, the following was sent by the system.


[You may choose 2 of the following rewards]

1. 2 status points

2. 50 experience

3. A wooden sword

4. 100 USD

The moment these showed up, I drew a complete blank. The rewards for eating were pretty insane. Though, as a gaming nerd, I knew the best options were anything that would help me grow stronger. In response to these thoughts, the game gave me my rewards.


[Player has chosen rewards "1" and "2", and has gained 50 experience and 2 status points.]


[Level Up]

[3 status points received by "Leveling Up."]

"I wonder, do these really have an effect on me. If so, then I have no idea what to put them into."

Each stat represents something, and the most wonder some was intelligence, which I assumed raised my magic power, strength and recovery. The other was luck, considering I had none it was more intriguing to me. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted life to go my way, so I decided to go with luck.


Name: Dylan Hover HP: 110

Class: None

Title: None

Level: 2 Experience: 45%

Mana: 20

Strength: 5


Intelligence: 10


Luck: 0 (+5)

Vitality: 7

(Status Points Available:5) (-5)

Through my knowledge of games, the higher your luck stat, the more the game bends towards your will, and the better rewards you get. With this though, I started wondering a lot about what the best outcome was.

'What if I raised my luck to the point where the status points I received increased exponentially.'

With this, I started experimenting with every game system I know. For one, I know that there is a normal inventory system that holds 81 slots and can stack similar items. I also tested it's functions with one of my meals. Best of all, it is like it is stored in a separate dimension, because I don't feel any weight. I continued experimenting with the status system, and it appears that the more I level up, the more I can unlock. What seemed to be the best part of this was that almost all tasks were counted as quests, and I could get between 1-2 status points.

The more I looked at it, there was actually one more major thing. I COULD GET TIRED OR FEEL PAIN. As I continued to exercise to gain status points in agility and strength, I could continuously gain status points and experience from quests, all without feeling a hint of tiredness. This was the first time I started to feel how OP of a "Player" I was becoming.

Now that I was thinking about it, I haven't checked my stats in a while, nor have I applied my points.


Name: Dylan Hover Hp: 140

Class: None

Title: None

Level: 5 Experience: 45%

Mana: 20

Strength: 8

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 10


Luck: 5 (+20)

Vitality: 10

(Status Points Available: 24) (-20)

I learned 2 very valuable things from this status point excursion, it seemed the more I leveled up, the more my my vitality went up as well. Another thing was that exercise actually helped increase my stats. With this notion in mind, I started wondering what other possibilities were there.

'If I continued to read, would it raise my intelligence."

As this thought crossed my mind, I looked towards the door and saw a system to the right of the reinforced metal door. It looked like some sort of microphone, so I walked over to it and talked into it.

"H...Hello, is anyone th...there"

I waited a second for an answer, but with no answer, I turned around slightly embarrassed. Just as I started walking back, the door started talking.

"What is it that you need, Master of the World"

With the sounds emanating from the door, I quickly searched for some sort of mouth, but to no avail, I gave up and walked over to the microphone.

"Uh, who is this?"

"This is the Spirit of the Lake, Zinna, what can I help you with?"

As she mentioned her name, I quickly was able to match her sweet tone to her words.

"Excuse me, but could you get me a whole bunch of books."


As there was no reply, I became slightly disappointed and walked back over to my corner to continue my training. Right as I made it to the corner, the books came from a large opening in the roof connected to a thick metal pipe.

"Is this what you desired master?"

"Its perfect"