chapter - 9 The gathering of heaven's official Gods

Today's chapter is far more than my other chapters. Please bear with it and tell your opinions.

Continue from the last chapter -

Ye you was filled with anger he no longer restrained himself from saying things that has been hunting him.

Bao ye yao - " what you want to know that how you always hurt me i am telling you now , you are a Playboy and always flirt with people , you lie you never care about people around you , you use nice words to tease me , you disgust me , never ,i never thought that i will end up loving someone like you. That's why i am suffering , i deserve to suffer , i can't be happy without seeing you but seeing you hurt me as well , I don't know what should i do , now you know why i am hurt now leave go , and never come back."

Saying this all ye yao cried and his throat was hurting after saying all this , he didn't said anything nor he looked at xun cha , xun cha who was now in great shock , he never thought that ye yao was troubled by his behaviors and who will not if you see who you love flirting with someone else how would you feel , he was very guilty unable to look at ye yao , he knew that ye yao likes him but he didn't knew that he hurt ye yao this much. He rushed towards the door and Walk out.

Ye yao in his mind - what you want more from him , you obviously yelled at him said that he disgust you , regretting now but what can be done now he left didn't you saw now just live alone just like you wanted.

Ye yao was crying he wrapped his arms around his body making a circle of himself and weeping pitifully.

He heard someone's fast and heavy footsteps leading to his bed , he opened his eyes and saw xun cha holding a cup full of water , xun cha put the cup on the table near ye yao's bed and sat on ye yao's bed and raise his hands to touch ye yao and lean towards him and hugged him and said -

Cheng xun cha - " ye yao , i never thought that i have been hurting you all along by my childish doings. I love you so much please don't doubt in my love for you , from the moment when i saw you , i only liked you and then slowly getting to know you i only love you . Please don't get hurt anymore , and please don't cry , your throat must be dry now and hurting ..

And he reached out his hand to the cup and pours water on ye yao's mouth to make him feel better.

Ye yao was complete lost what he should do , xun cha left just to get him a cup of water he thought -

I said so much , some words i myself didn't mean i thought that you left , he had never that after being yelled even if xun cha likes him he will not only stay for but nurse him and apologize to him .

After ye yao done drinking water xun cha once again hug him tightly and said -

Cheng xun cha - " ye yao can you please forgive me , I'll never do those things again i will be good , and i will be reasonable , I won't ask much than this from you just forgive me please ye yao. And when i say i love you I really mean it i may be very mischievous but I'll never joke about love. My feelings for you are not something i feel for anyone , you are my enchantment¹ , i cherish you like nothing else, no one matters but you , ye yao you are my everything for me.

Ye yao was at ease and surrendered his body in xun cha's arms and wrapped his hands around him and cried bitterly in xun cha's arms didn't said anything xun cha knew that ye yao has been holding back his feelings from long ago . He strokes yr yao's back gently and waited until ye yao stop he was still saying him things like- 

Cheng xun cha - " depend on me please , I'll never hurt you or never let anyone hurt you . Please don't cry . I am here for you. "

Bao ye yao - " you really know how to calm down me , alright i am giving you a chance for your efforts ."

Cheng xun cha - " how you want me to thank you my yao ,??"

Bao ye yao - " what is with " my yao ??? "

Cheng xun cha - "i remember when last time i called you baby you was fiercely angry , i don't dare to heat you again so i just said this."

Bao ye yao - " how about calling me just ye yao ,??

Cheng xun cha - " noooo..... I want to call you my yao , let me call you my yao please ."

Bao ye yao - " do as you please ."

Cheng xun cha - " i love you my yao ".

Bao ye yao coughed and looked at xun cha in a surprised way and said -

Bao ye yao - " what is with you , saying repeatedly , how bold ."

Cheng xun cha - " am i ??? Anyway my yao aren't you supposed to say something back to me!!"

Bao ye yao - " no i am not "

And ye yao grinned but xun cha didn't noticed he said -

Cheng xun cha - ( in innocent and pitiable tone ) my yao !!!!

Ye yao wasn't aware of xun cha's this ability to talk like this , he looked at xun cha disbelievingly and his hand reached out xun cha's face and his parted he said in low voice and hoarse voice -

Bao ye yao - " i love you too xun cha ".

And burried his head on xun cha's chest out of shyness.

Cheng xun cha smiled cutely and caressed his ye yao's hair gently.

In the official palace of heaven - 

When one month passed without any war between gui xiang and Ahn yun the other some other major Gods , Fire God , moon God , God of calamity and God of hate and Goddess of jealousy noticed the changes between  luo gui xiang and Shen Ahn yun .

And started mentioning it to the dominant Gods , but the other Gods were not interested in their unreasonable interpret into others life . They all were well aware of their enviousness and hate , Godess of jealousy ( kong dan xiu ) was envious of Ahn yun because she likes war God and think that Ahn yun is not worthy of gui xiang's love , fire God ( He dun cai ) and Moon God ( kuang sin yue ) were not a type of personality that take interest in others life but they were brain washed by the demon king's step brother ( chong yin chao ) who was taking advantage of them because they have good impression on dominant Gods . God of hate ( pan dao wim ) was not happy seeing gui xiang and Ahn yun living their lives lovely and happily the reason was only a little just because in past Ahn yun exposed his bad intention of making Sun God and Goddess of the earth against each other . He holds hatred towards Ahn yun and want to destroy his life . He want to make his life as miserable that he never again can be happy in his life. God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) was in love with Goddess of jealousy but she loves gui xiang so he was against them , killing one bird in one shot , first his plan was to banish gui xiang and he don't care about Ahn yun . And the second was when gui xiang will be outcast by heaven he will try to make Goddess of jealousy fall in love with him . Because of their everyday making fuss about this the dominant Gods and the head of Gods , Sun God ( Xu san da ) decided a court gathering and talk about it .

There was an conference of the Gods of heaven there was all Dominant and major God were invited to join a rumored topic which was related to heaven's reputation according to some Gods who were envious of the relationship of war God and God of healing . Total 14 Major Gods were invited by the great Sun God ( Xu san da ). After Sun God the second head God was Goddess of Earth( Zhu wan wing ) but right at this moment she was in mortal realm . But Xu san da and Zhu wan wing were connected on their minds by using their God Powers , rest of 14 Gods were -

14 Major God -

1. Water God - ( Hu dai xiong )

2. Nature God - ( Gao xin wen )

3. God of intelligence - ( Wan shi ye )

4. God of nutriment² - ( Zhang ying hua )

5. Goddess of beauty - ( Mao yan xin )

6. God of love - ( Xue wei xian )

7. Fire God - ( He dun cai )

8. Moon God - ( kuang sin yue )

9. God of calamity - ( jiang yun tak )

10. Godess of jealousy - ( kong dan xiu )

11. God of hate - ( pan dao wim )

12. God of Fortune - ( yu sha siu )

13. God of peace - ( chen you xian )

14. God of luck - ( Deng yuan zhan )

But because of God of luck was in mortal realm he was not here . But all 13 major Gods were here.

The meeting was secretly gathering but because of some connections gui xiang and Ahn yun knew that the gathering was about them . Gui xiang was third main God of heaven and Ahn yun was one of major Gods , minding gui xiang's position and Ahn yun's position but still they were not invited in the major Gods gathering . it was enough to make them suspicious and worried .

It's not like they were only hated there were more friends than foes , they both are good and God , even though gui xiang was cold towards other Gods but he was true and honest he helped many time without himself knowing he was admired by many major Gods with good reputation , Ahn yun have a gentle and humble personality , he was good friends with Nature God ( Gao xin wen )  and God of nutriment ( zhang uing hua ) . Water God ( Hu dai xiong)  was his best friend whom he trusts and knew that if worse come water God will always stand for him , they were like peer he was more I like a brother to Ahn yun . Godess of beauty ( Mao yan xin) was a beautiful and kind hearted Goddess , who adored gui xiang and Ahn yun's relationship in her eyes it was nothing wrong . And God of intelligence ( Wan shi ye )  was the most respected because of his thoughtful individuality he comes in second place after Sun God and Goddess of Earth . War God was the third after intelligence God . God of love (Xue wei xian) was obviously in side of love in the side of Ahn yun and gui xiang.

The left two Gods , both are important and major Gods who came after War God were left nonchalant³ . In true words  God of peace ( chen you xian) was Ahn yun's friend but because of his skill , he was pushed to become no one's side. God of Fortune    ( yu sha siu) was really unconcerned.

On the day of Court gathering -

Inside the heaven's official palace

It was as expected the hate holding and envious group of Gods war the first one to arrive at heaven's official palace .. After that forced because of invited other Gods arrived when they were told in invitation. No one looked interested . But the hatred group kept a evil smile . Other Gods were annoyed by them . But because of manners they were forced to bid their greetings and ask their well being after this they sit down on their decided spot . The friendly group with a bitter heart settled down in their spot which was accordingly arranged by minding their official position. Only four spots were left lonesome.

The Goddess of earth , the God of luck and God of healing and War God.

After everyone's arriving the meeting was staring , the first one to say something was one from hatred group.

Sun God ( xu san da ) - "major Gods , you all may know the subject of this gathering. The meeting may start now."

Godess of jealousy ( kong dan xiu) -" This major Goddess greet Head God , big brother xu . Without any delay i want to talk about the rumors flying about The Mighty War God and the Major God God of healing."

Without wasting one second God of calamity jointed her .

God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) - " I agree with major Goddess kong , about this i have heard demon clan talking disgracefully about heaven."

God of hate ( pan dai wim ) - " Major brother jiang this brother think you should tell head God big brother xu . So he know how much disgrace Major God brother shen and Mighty War God brother luo are causing to heaven official.

After hearing this water God felt an huge urge to slap the unmannered and rotten major Gods bad mouthing about his brother like friend he said -

Water God ( Hu dai xiong) - " if brother jiang and brother pan quickly mention what disgraceful words they heard about brother shen and war God luo then we other Gods who Don't know any of the disgrace may able to know more .

Godess of jealousy ( Kong dan xiu) - " this major Godess agree with major brother Hu ."

After saying this she signed and continued -

My head God brother xu , and my other major God brothers my servent has heard the demon saying that they have seen war God luo and major brother God shen osculating⁴ in the celestial vatika . And even found out war God luo going to brother Shen's mansion at nights too .

It was just this then the whole official palace's gathering hall was filled with skimble - skamble★ patter.

God of nutriment ( zhang ying hua ) and Nature God (gao xin wen) grasp their sword and hold a thought to kill Goddess of jealousy .

Water God's expression was calm but he was angry from inside he looked at Goddess of jealousy and gave her a glare but she ignored him . And went on .

Goddess of jealousy ( kong dan xiu) - " not only this they were seen by some minor Gods showing great care towards each other.

Then she turned to water God ( Hu dai xiong) and said -

Goddess of jealousy ( kong dan xiu ) - " do know the major God brother Hu , and other major God brothers know now??

Water God ( hu dai xiong) - " I thank for major Goddess sister kong ."

God of hate ( pan dao wim) - " how shameless "!! Ridiculous.

God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) - " indeed major brother pan. "

Fire God ( he dun cai ) - " i never expected this from major brother shen."

Moon God ( kuang sin yue) - " none of us did major brother he."

Now water God wasn't able to stop himself from saying as he opened his mouth to say something Goddess of beauty stood up from her seat and said -

Goddess of beauty ( Mao yan xin ) - " major brother pan , can i ask you something about ??"

God of hate ( pan dao wim ) - " yes major sister Mao , you may go ahead and ask. "

Goddess of beauty ( Mao yan xin) - "what is wrong with major brother shen and third head brother luo's relationship. "

Goddess of jealousy ( kong dan xiu) - " major sister Mao don't tell me you don't find it disgusting."

Goddess of beauty ( Mao yan xin) - " yes major sister kong i don't find it disgusting or disgraceful for heaven."

God of Fortune ( yu sha siu) inside his mind - what a scene both Goddesses are against each other , are we going to have a combat of Goddess of beauty and Goddess of jealousy huh  .??!!?

God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) - " major sister Mao what are you saying , this is completely a shame on heaven."

God of nutriment ( zhang ying hua) - " major brother jiang how is it a shame , since when you are qualified to judge if something is shame in heaven or not or major brother jiang is forgetting how many times he himself have humiliate heaven ."

Jiang yun tak went silent . Nature God ( Gao xin wen ) gave God of nutriment a satisfied look . No one really dared to pick a quarrel with zhang ying hua , no one wants their nutrition taken away.

God of hate ( pan dao wim) - " major brother zhang how can you say such things about major brother jiang. Brother jiang is just solicitous★ for heaven's Glory."

This time nature God didn't missed the chance and quickly said. -

Nature God ( Gao xin wen ) - " And what about major brother jiang , is brother jiang really just solicitous for heaven or sorry to say brother pan but i don't trust on major brother jiang or your words can be taken as concern or arraignment★ towards major brother Shen and War God brother luo.

If Ahn yun was here he would have hugged Gao xin wen and zhang ying hua. Even in his this situation they were standing for him , however they were surprised that how Hu dai xiong wasn't saying anything .

God of Fortune ( yu sha siu) inside his mind again - " wow , never i ever thought that Nature God and God of nutriment both are this good in debating . They left them speechless scucess fully. They are true treasures.

God of hate ( pan dao wim) - " major brother Gao this humiliation of me and major brother jiang. "

God of nutriment ( zhang ying hua ) - " it's not my intention to humiliate you, if major brothers pan and jiang stop saying bad things about major brother Shen , i will not neglet both brother anyway."

God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) - " As if i will stop saying things , the things i am saying are true , what is wrong with calling disgrace. "

The court gathering room's temperature went high , some Gods looked like they want to fight and without using any word to waste but this is the situation why God of peace was there . God of peace stood up and said .

God of peace ( chen you xian ) - " major brothers must keep their minds cool , we aren't here to abuse each other , we are just talking about the relationship between war God and major brother Shen . Any action will be neglecting the heaven official's millions of old years old rules.

All God may behave.

God of Fortune ( yu sha siu) in his mind - " you are truly something God of peace , just some lines and even the pitter- patter cannot be heard anymore, ahh,, i am envious."

After a while of awkward silence Goddess of jealousy said -

Goddess of jealousy ( Kong dan xiu) - " major brothers this Goddess want to say that their relationship is discovered recently and unaware i have never heard any relationship like this between mens.

The whole hall went silent and all God looked at God of jealousy disbelievingly .

Goddess of beauty ( Mao yan xin) - " major sister kong , what are you saying you don't know any relationship like this before how , haven't you heard about God of Justice and God of light . Just because of some Gods narrow way of thinking they end up leaving heaven and the  heaven official lost their two good and precious Gods .

God of Nature ( Gao xin wen) - " yes i agree with major sister Mao , and this is their personal part of their lives , we can not decide who they love and who they don't . Can major sister kong bear to let anyone interfere in her love life . ?!"

God of Fortune ( yu sha siu ) in his mind  - " bingo , what a great move major brother Gao , i bid you a respectful greetings."

God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) - " so are the head Gods are going to let them ruin the image of heaven."

Water God was now not able to stop himself he stood up and said in mocking tone -

Water God ( Hu dai xiong) - " *ruin the image of heaven* major brother jiang must really hate their relationship because of heaven's reputation or major brother jiang has his own reasons to Target war God brother luo and major brother Shen ... If i remember....

Goddess of jealousy interpret Hu dai xiong's words and said -

Goddess of jealously ( Kong dan xiu) - " major brother Hu really seems to be close friend of major brother shen ."

Goddess of beauty knew that she was changing the topic she said-

Goddess of beauty ( Mao yan xin) - " major sister kong can I ask something from you ?"

Kong dan xiu hesitated for a few seconds then said -

Goddess of jealousy ( kong dan xiu ) - " major sister Mao may ask whatever she wants to know, ."

Goddess of beauty ( Mao yan xin) - " if i remember right , once major sister Kong told her feelings to third head God brother luo that she likes him , but we never got to know what was third head God brother luo answer. Can major sister kong tell us."

God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) - " what does it has to do with this major sister Mao ?" isn't this major Goddess kong's personal life ."

Goddess of beauty ( Mao yan xin) - " sorry for my rudeness major brother jiang but what sister kong was doing was interfare into the life of third head God brother luo and major brother Shen's personal life too. "

Goddess of jealousy ( kong dan xiu) - " major sister Mao i was rejected because war God luo said that he loves major brother Shen ."

Goddess of beauty ( Mao yan xin) - " i am sorry to ask you about this major sister kong ."

Moon God ( kuang sin yue ) - " if major sister Mao is sorry she shouldn't have asked this in first place. "

Fire God ( He dun cai ) - " i agree with major brother kuang , isn't this so ruthless major sister Mao ??"

Goddess of beauty gave them silent treatment and didn't said anything in return . The Hall's atmosphere was hot again .

God of Fortune ( yu sha siu) in his mind again - " what , the Goddess of Jealousy was rejected well then it's no biggie if she wants to separate the one third head God brother luo loves from him . Fire of being rejected combined with her jealousy towards major brother Shen . How ironic .if someone would have said that she can be rejected i wouldn't have believed . But i am not surprised either with her this black heart i am myself not willing to accept her .

Water God ( Hu dai xiong ) - " ah , so it's like this , and i was thinking what can be the reason that major sister kong want their relationship to end and it's like this that she is jealous of major brother Shen to be loved by the men she wanted to be loved.

God of calamity was not willing to hear anymore about the one he love in a insulting way anything , he said -

God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) - " major brother Hu we are here to discuss major brother Shen and third head God brother luo why you are bringing up Goddess of jealousy's personal life here .


1. Enchantment - A feeling of great

                                pleasure : delight .

The state of being under a spell ; magic.

2. Nutriment - nourishment ; sustenance. Food .

3. Nonchalant - ( of a person or manner ) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxd ; not displaying anxiety, interest or enthusiasm.

4. Osculating - ( of a curve or surface ) touch ( another curve or surface) so as to have a common tangent at the point of contact. Kiss.

★ skimble - skamble  – stuff and nonsense , gossip babblement .

★ solicitous – characterized by or showing interest or concern .

★ Arraignment - the action of arraigning someone in court.