chapter - 10 The punishment .

Continue from the last chapter -

God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) - " Major brother Hu we are here to discuss about Major brother Shen and third head God luo . Why are you bringing up Goddess of jealousy's personal life."

Water God ( Hu dai xiong ) - " it's not my intention to bring up someone's personal life in meeting but doesn't Major brother Shen and third head God luo are free to do whatever they want ??they have their own personal life too."

God of hate ( pan dao wim )  - " but their doings are effecting heaven and not acceptable , why Major brother Hu must argue with those who have good intentions ."

Moon God ( kuang sin yue ) - " i agree with Major brother pan , why must Major brother Hu defend them."

Water God ( Hu dai xiong ) - " Major God pan are you head God brother Xu yourself , saying it's unacceptable ."

But i am not surprised by your this behavior towards Major brother Shen at all . When you were trying to make head God brother Xu and second head Goddess sister zhu hate each other and separate them , Major brother Shen exposed you and since then you have been always hating him . No doubt that when you have chance you not give your all ! Am i right Major brother pan ??"

Pan dao wim choked . He didn't expected from Water God ( Hu dai xiong) to say this all here . God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) helped him to calm and looked at water God hatefully , Water God ( Hu dai xiong ) return him a hateful stare too.

Goddess of jealousy ( kong dan xiu ) - " Major brother Hu , why are you bringing Major brother pan's past life in gathering."

God of Fortune ( yu sha siu) in his mind - " oh my , oh my i think i am going to see a fight soon . Let's think whose side i should stay , ahh , siding one group is really trouble some i will just watch and compliment both ."

God of nutriment ( zhang ying hua) - " Major sister kong , what Major brother Hu said isn't wrong , how can a person who himself did terrible did. Can tell it's effecting heaven or not ."

Fire God ( He dun cai ) - " Why some major brothers are willing to take the wrong ones side , not even caring about their own reputation . Maybe Major brother zhang and Major brother Gao are confidant¹ friends too. Who can't let their friend's wrong doing come in light."

Nature God and God of nutriment both were pure friends , never they had any feelings like that towards each other , when they heard fire God saying their friendship


Both remain cool and relaxed , didn't care about what fire God just said .

This disappointed fire God his plan was to make them angry and use this to distract everyone who were talking about God of hate . However once water God started he wasn't willing to stop he said . -

Nature God ( Gao xin wen) - " Is major brother He trying to make me and major brother zhang angry so that he can change the topic. It's hilarious , i already know who my major brother likes . Major brother He should not try to make any troubles for major brother zhang."

Mao yan xin was deep in her thoughts all the time now she finally said something-

Goddess of beauty ( Mao yan xin) - " speaking of relations this major sister has realised that major brother jiang has been hesitant to say major sister kong " sister " sometimes ."

Water God ( hu dai xiong ) - " looks like major sister Mao don't know , this major brother will tell you major brother jiang likes Major sister kong that because he was forcing to punish third head war God luo and major brother Shen so he can try his luck . "

Goddess of jealousy ( kong dan xiu) - " major brother Hu is really a great friend of major brother Shen . Just for him bringing up the things that hurts others is really brutal. Major brother hu must have a heart of stone."

God of love ( xue wei xian ) - " if Major brother hu has a heart of stone then i think major sister kong must've a black heart , you and major brother jiang and kuang and major brother pan with major brother he , you all are trying to separate major brother Shen and third head God luo , isn't this is brutal too??"

God of Fortune ( yu sha siu ) in his mind - " Marvellous after being silent for all the time i thought that God of love ( xue wei xian) is just here for formalities but he is amazing he observed all things and told each one who wants to separate major brother Shen and third head God brother luo ."

Hearing their own names called out loudly, fire God , calamity God , Goddess of Jealousy , Moon God , God of hate , all started sulking and resentfully glared at xue wei xian and clenched their fists and tightened their grip on their swords but God of love wasn't afraid he was replying back them the look of inattention .

This was again the time when God of peace must say something and remind them to be harmless .

God of peace ( chen you xian ) - " everyone must calm down , all major brothers have discussed the topic now all major brother must only stood up from their seats in their turn and tell what they suggest , depending upon how many favours and how many negates Major brother Shen and third head God brother luo will get , the head God xu (. Xu san da) and second head Goddess ( zhu wan wing) will announce what we should do next and in this God of intelligence ( wan shi ye ) will help them both ."

Water God ( hu dai xiong) - " in my opinion head God elder brother xu mustn't do anything about this because heaven's reputation is not effected by it at all , and the demons they are themselves a shame. I am in their side."

God of nutriment ( zhang ying hua) - " head God elder brother xu i agree with major brother hu , it's their own lives , even heaven can't completely control their personal life. I am in major brother Shen and third head God brother luo's side."

Nature God ( Gao xin wen ) - " head God elder brother xu this major God does not think that major brother Shen and third head God brother luo are disgusting or the cause of heaven's  reputation going down , it's like of some narrow minded Gods and servent who are insulting heaven."

Goddess of beauty ( Mao yan xin) - "

Head God elder brother xu i adore tbe relationship between major brother Shen and third head God brother luo , they are not doing anything wrong , they don't have any reason to be punished . In my opinion their relationship is beautiful . I am in their side."

Goddess of jealousy ( kong dan xiu) - " head God elder brother xu this major sister object their relationship , in my opinion they are disgusting, i negate it . "

Moon God ( kuang sin yue ) - " head God elder brother xu , i don't hate major brother Shen or third head God brother luo , i just can't accept their relationship because if we mind major brother hu i think i am narrow minded major God."

Fire God ( he dun cai) - " head God elder brother xu this major brother negate their relationship."

God of calamity ( jiang yun tak) - " head God elder brother xu this major God only negate their relationship. But i wish their well being ."

God of Fortune ( yu sha siu) inside his mind  - " wow , major brother jiang can actually wish for their well being . I smell an alligator's wish . "

God of hate ( pan dao wim) - " I do not understand how other major brother and sisters are worshipping their disgusting and rotten relationship but i negate it . Head God elder brother xu must decide carefully."

God of love ( Xue wei xian ) - " head God elder brother xu this major brother of yours want to say something before giving opinion can I major brother chen ?"

God of peace ( chen you xian ) - " major brother Xue may say what he wants."

God of love ( xue wei xian) - " head God elder brother , major brother Shen and third head God brother luo are both male but this can't be helped because love really don't know gender or age or anything. Love has no limits , humans have teach us that gender doesn't matter but also this that who are in situation of brother shen and war God they face Many problem and difficulties just because of the difference of their gender. Heaven is the holy and place of the ones who humans admire if we too will judge their love because of just because of same gender we will be misleading humans . Being the one they admire make me understand my responsibility to lead them right and not let anyone's love judge just because of different personalities , gender , age difference , looks , ability or disability , love is a natural feeling that one will someday feel who they are attached to , who is important for them , it's not their fault that they love each other head God elder brother please think about it , they have heart , heart always control feelings . And no matter how much someone wants to ignore their feelings in the end they can't .

And for my opinion i am in major brother Shen and third head God brother luo's side."

God of peace ( chen you xian) - " major brother yu , you didn't said anything and remaind silent in your turn to tell your opinion.and

still haven't said a word from in discussion . Major brother do you not intend to give your opinion ?? "

Yu sha siu was still in his mind thinking what just God of love said , it touched his heart deeply he was now regretting not to say anything during the meeting for gui xiang and Ahn yun . He looked at God of peace and said .

God of Fortune ( yu sha siu ) - " head God elder brother xu this major brother take major brother Shen and third head God brother luo's side. "

God of intelligence ( wan shi ye) - " all Gods must be patient and wait for head God brother xu and sister zhu's decision.

The discussion of three head God -

Goddess of earth ( zhu wan wing ) - " brother xu what do you think about this? "

Sun God ( xu san da ) - " sister zhu i really do not understand our third brother luo's heart , he used to hold cold personality , i thought he was unaware of love thing . "

God of intelligence ( wan shi ye ) -

" head God brother xu even though brother luo looked cold he still has a heart doesn't he ?? "

Sun God ( xu san da ) - " enough mocking me brother wan , help us to judge righteously ."

Goddess of earth ( zhu wan wing) - " brother xu i do not negate the relationship between junior brother Shen and brother luo . I am also moved by what junior brother Xue said he was absolutely right."

God of intelligence ( wan shi ye ) - " i agree with sister zhu and junior brother Shen and brother luo are two important Gods that heaven needs always with it . Brother luo is gifted with great sense of winning a war and junior brother shen he can heal anyone like they weren't even hurt . They are treasures we mustn't loose them for a silly reason and fir some junior brothers and sister who are just showing disgust without any reason."

Sun God ( xu san da ) - " so brother wan wants to say that this brother should let junior brother shen and brother luo what they want ?."

Goddess of earth ( zhu wan wing ) - " or what do brother xu thinks if we set boundaries brother luo will stay , he will surely leave with brother Shen."

God of intelligence ( wan shi ye ) - " Brother xu can just let them give a mission in name of punishment and after that they can live like they want. It will stop the junior Gods who want them to separate. And for their satisfaction seal the divine powers or brother luo and junior brother Shen. Let brother luo and junior brother Shen go down tell them everything and say that it will be over soon , tell them to come right after their task finishes . This way we can deal with this matter."

Sun God ( xu san da ) - " as expected from you brother wan , then tell this to the major Gods.

Goddess of earth ( zhu wan wing ) - " brother wan is getting more and more intelligent day by day . He came up with a solution very fast . "

God of intelligence ( wan shi ye ) - " brother xu and sister zhu flatter me so much. "

And the three of them smiled and God of intelligence announced that war God and God of healing will be sent to human world for the punishment they have given . But it was more like a tour to human world and less like punishment for them . When they were told this all Ahn yun thanked his four brothers and sister . He was so happy that he even hugged water God, God of nutriment , nature God and God of love altogether. And being received the favor of the Gods who were being hugged by his Ahn yun he wasn't able to separate them and stood a side sulking himself but he was thankful to the Gods and Goddess of beauty . He showed his great full Ness .

The envious group was not fully satisfied but nothing they can do about it .

After Ahn yun's friends left gui xiang hugged him tightly and said.

Gui xiang - " i am envious , why they must hug you baby " .

Ahn yun - " when did i agree you to call me baby and what is wrong with hugging a friend , don't become unreasonable again ."

Gui xiang - " whatever , i am jealous , comfort me ."

Ahn yun - " haah are you for real , acting like a child ...

Inside Ahn yun's heart he was loving the cute angry adorable God of war . He smiled.

Gui xiang - " are you laughing at me??"

Ahn yun - " Am i , hmm then what if i am ??"

And he smiled mischievously .

Gui xiang - " nothing , but you must not , i am your husband ."

Ahn yun nearly died by chocking , gui xiang caressed his back , Ahn yun looked at gui xiang in disbursement with a flushed bright red face he said  -

Ahn yun - " what you just said ,.... Who is your wife ( gui xiang cut his words)

Gui xiang - " it's you , you are my wifey... do you want me to prove you??

Ahn yun - " wait give me a break , go back to your mansion and come tommorow when we will leave for human world ."

Gui xiang - " but i want to stay , why are you chasing me out....( Ahn yun cut his words)

Ahn yun - " i am not , I need to talk with my little brother A - yao he never have been alone i am worried about him."

Gui xiang - " he won't be alone xun cha will be here when you won't be here , did not ye yao tell you.

Ahn yun - " what are you saying , what did A - yao didn't tell me ??"

Gui xiang came more close to Ahn yun and lean towards him , and reached his face near Ahn yun's ear and said in low voice .

Gui xiang - " that your A - bao is my future daughter in law !"

Ahn yun - " you ! What you are saying .!?"

Gui xiang keep a evil smile on his face and said -

Gui xiang - " i will tell you if you let me stay with you longer ."

Ahn yun was surprised and wanted to know but he wanted to know this by his little brother so he smiled and said -

Ann yun - " umm let me can ask my brother myself he must want to tell me but because if all this he didn't. You can you now ."

Gui xiang - " how can you say me to leave and even smiling , i am hurt ."

Ahn yun - " cut the act , i really want to talk with A - yao , go now."

After this gui xiang was leaving then Ahn yun followed him , they just reached door and Ahn yun grabbed gui xiang's waist from behind and hug gave him a bearhug . Gui xiang froze for a second then turned while holding Ahn yun's hands around him and looked at him , he looked like he doesn't want him to go he caressed Ahn yun's hair and was only looking at him , Ahn yun's face was coming closer to his face and then Ahn yun kissed gui xiang . They kissed passionately then Ahn yun rested on gui xiang's chest . And said -

Ahn yun - " look what you have done , even i said you to go i end up being the one that stopped you."

Gui xiang - " i am sorry , didn't knew that i will be loved back and very much. " thanks so much love. "

Ahn yun - " you will be punished for that , but do you really think that you need to say this Artificial word to me .?"

Gui xiang - " no i don't , but not only you are in lose , after accepted by you i myself started craving to hear the three words i find irritating in past."

Ahn yun can't help but smile hearing his lover complaining cutely to him. The war God who always said things straight forwardly and coldly to others , asking indirectly him to say him

"i love you".

Ahn yun - " then we both are each other's culprit . ( His voice turned low and seductive he said ).-

Ahn yun - " go home now."

Gui xiang dumbfounded stared him and said -

Gui xiang - " i love you Ahn yun , take care love."

Ahn yun's face flushed and turned crimson he looked at gui xiang in guilty and said.-

Ahn Yun - "  love you too. "

With a satisfied smile on his face gui xiang gave a little kiss on Ahn yun's forhead and left.

Ahn yun smiled and burried his head in his palms.

A/n –

1. Confidant - a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter.