With a groan Sebastian sat up and looked around frantically. Memories came flooding in of how he defeated Ghurab and passed out.That's when a loud bang was heard as a tray of medicine was dropped making the teen look up and saw a nurse running out the room.
Sebastian: Am I in a hospital?
Suddenly a man came in, wearing a medical coat.
Doctor: Ah I'm glad to see your'e awake boy.
Sebastian: Where am I?
Doctor: You are currently in our medical wing. May Fall brought you back to the base after you saved her.
Sebastian: May?
Doctor: I'ts the girl you saved.
Sebastian: Ah alright.
Just as they were talking the door slided open and the girl walked inside.
May: Your Finally awake!
Sebastian: Thanks for bringing me here.
May: I'ts the least I could do after you saved me
Doctor: Right, well I'm going to check you once more then you can follow May to the boss; he wants to speak to you once you woke up.
So the doctor checked him once more and told him he used a healing position that miraculously healed him up nicely. The nurse that fetched the doctor apologized for her running out and brought him some clothes to wear which consisted of cargo shorts with military boots and a grey t shirt with a hoodie.
The doctor excused himself and so did the nurse, leaving May and Sebastian alone.
Sebastian:So where are your parents kid?
May:They died she said sadly and looked at the floor.
Sebastian:Ah shit sorry he said awkwardly and patted her shoulder softly.
May: I'ts ok but can I ask for a small favor?
Sebastian: Hmm I don't see why not?
May: Can we be friends? She smiled at him and stuck her hand out.
Sebastian chuckled slightly and shook her hand
Sebastian: Sure he smiled
The girl smiled and suddenly gasped.
May: I need to take you to the boss! Follow me! Said the girl running out the medical word.
Sebastian: Seems like I got a 15 year old tom boy as my first friend in the apocalypse he shook his head and smiled whilst following the girl.
Sebastian walked out and looked around; dozens of tents were set up all around the area. Sebastian guessed that they were survivors.
May: Come on we are almost at the boss.
Sebastian just nodded and looked around a'bit more. The area that these people live in was a local Eco park that had a lot of different fauna in it so he guessed there would probably be access to a lot of fire wood. With his good eye sight Sebastian saw in the distance a giant fence surrounding the area.
May: Alright we are here.
Sebastian looked up and saw it was a larger tent than the rest almost looked like a gazebo.
Sebastian just wordlessly walked in and saw a man sitting in a chair busy grinding a nasty looking bastard sword that had a black color to it.
???: Yes?
May: Hey boss the guy I brought back woke up. Here he is.
The man stood up and then Sebastian saw his features clearly. He had a white rugged beard, his eye color was a hazel brown and he wore a set of iron armor, only his right arm wasn't covered as it only had a glove on the hand and he had silver hair in a high pony tale.
???: So sleeping beauty finally awakes, my name is Tim Ford.
He held out his hand for a hand shake.
Sebastian: Sebastian Topaz
He shook the man's hand and he felt that Tim had quite the grip.
Tim: Now that introductions are over, I want to ask, what is your level?
Sebastian: And why do you want to know that?
Tim: Well the boss you took out? Our assault team was busy fighting it for 4 days and it wasn't wearing down any time soon and here you come and one shot... I'ts like you're the main protagonist of some action novel.
Sebastian thought about it and he definitively knew that he leveled up after the boss but he wasn't exactly going to shout out his level.
Human's are simple creatures, they follow the strong one in the pack and when they think they are stronger than the pack leader, they kill for the top spot.
Sebastian: I'm simply on level 5, when I arrived the beast was already worn down from an earlier fight... I could only guess that if it wasn't your men it was probably other beasts in the area.
Tim looked in Sebastian eyes for while and then nodded.
Tim: There are other monsters in the area and we cant count out that the ghouls are hostile towards them.
Sebastian: Ghouls?
May: It's what we call the zombies.
Sebastian let out an Ah and nodded.
Tim: OK.
Tim turned around and went back to his seat.
Tim: You took a weeks worth of med's, what are you going to do to repay us back?
Sebastian: You said something about an Assault team right? I'll join for a week and then I'm off; deal?
Tim: There are not any spots available in the teams so you would have to go outside in that world alone... Are you sure ?
Sebastian: Yes.
Tim: Alright, tomorrow go to the main gate at 5 am, May will take you to an empty tent that will be yours for the time being.
Sebastian: Thank you.
May: Alright! Lets go.
She ran out of the room, Sebastian just chuckled and went after her.
After a bit of walking, Sebastian arrived at the area where a bunch of tents where set up and he could hear peoples voices coming from them. Sebastian's tent was right at the back. It was a simple, medium sized grey one.
May: Are you sure you will be alright being alone in the deadly outside for the week?
Sebastian just smiled and rubbed her head
Sebastian: Go to sleep, I'm sure its your bed time.
May just nodded and left the teen be.
The teen entered and saw the inside of tent consisted of nothing except for a single sleeping bag. He kicked back and layed down on the sleeping bag, and finally opened his status.
Name: Sebastian Topaz Age:18
Title: Slayer of beasts {user get an permanent 25% damage increase towards beast type monster}
HP:200/200[regen 3 hp per minute]
MP:250/250[regen 2 mp per minute]
Intelligence: 155
Stat points available: 25
Power Shot: lvl 5/10[MP COST:20]
Sneak:lvl 5/10[MP COST: 10]
Swordsmanship:lvl 5/10 [MP COST:0]
Hawk Sight:lvl 1/10 [MP COST:25]
Knife Throwing:5/10[MP COST:0]
Mana Control:5/10[MP COST:0]
Mana Infusion:5/10[MP COST:20]
Mondschnitt streik:1/10[MP COST:200]
Pain endurance:3/10
Skill Points Available:30
~The Pen is sharper than the sword~
~Burning will~
~When you fall you always bounce back up~
Sebastian was shocked at his level and was confused at those last three perks. So out of curiosity he pressed his finger on the name.
System: BURNING WILL {when user Hp drop to 10 HP this skill will activate and for 5 minutes all the stats of the user will double}
System: OBSERVE {user can now see the name and level of any mob or player} [can only see the name and level if the user is 10 levels ahead of the player]
System: WHEN YOU FALL YOU ALWAYS BOUNCE BACK UP:{user gains a permanate 10% XP bonus after a fight}
Sebastian's jaw dropped when reading these broken perks. Feeling that he should leave the status points for now and not change them, he entered his inventory.
Hoodie x1[D rank]{Durability:12/20}
Cargo shorts x1[D rank]{Durability:15/20}
Midnight sky scarf x1[A rank]{Durability:200/200} {If the user has the skill Stealth it boosts the effect of it making the user almost invisible }
With out another thought Sebastian quickly brought out the item. The midnight sky scarf covered the lower half of Sebastian's face and it flowed as if the wind was playing with it, it never stopped moving. Sebastian knew he couldn't wear these items around people as someone would try and steal them, so he would test them out in assault duty tomorrow.
Entering the shop he saw a pop up.
The teen immediately went to the weapon section and bought 30 throwing knives as he was getting use to them by now. He scrolled downwards and a sword caught his eye. It was black and red odachi, it was A rank but what struck Sebastian was the effect that it had.
Red and Black odachi x1 [A rank]{the sword has a 5 % chance to burn the target to ash killing it instantly}
So without a second thought he bought the sword, he was $10000 poorer but he wasn't fased. He went to the skill department and looked for something.
A little while later he found what he was looking for
Samurai:{User will learn how to use sword fighting techniques that require a katana}
Seeing as he now had an odachi he needed to know how to use it, so what better way to learn than to cheat and buy a skill book. So $5000 less he scrolled down the skill list hoping to find one last good skill book. He was almost done going through the list when he was stopped.
Ancient Beast:{User will adopt the properties of an ancient beast[dinosaur]able to get rough skin blocking majority of physical damage and muscles will be strengthened causing an increase in strength stat for 5 minutes}{WARNING USER WILL RETAIN THE DAMAGE TAKEN FROM ATTACKS IN THIS FORM WHEN TIME RUNS OUT]{cost 200 MP}
Sebastian thought that was a pretty cool and useful skill so he bought it for $2000. Quickly he went to the potion section and bought 2 health potions due to the system saying thats all he can get at his current level. Feeling satisfied he left the shop and went to sleep.
He couldn't wait to test out everything tomorrow.
In a lone warehouse it showed a bunch of dead people and a lone figure was sitting on 3 corpses.
???: Man being at a high level is boring, no one is fun enough anymore.T
The figure stood up.
???: Guess I'll head to that park I've been hearing rumors about; its a type of safe haven...
The figure let out a big grin and opened his eyes revealing that they where a bright purple that glistened in the darkness.