Chapter 5

Letting out a satisfied sigh Sebastian rose up from the sleeping bag and began his routine stretching. After abut 10 minutes of stretching he put on a grey parka jacket that was folded up in front of his bed. Sebastian equipped the Odachi and it sat snugly on his hip, the throwing knives hugged his thighs closely as he equipped them. Seeing as he had everything on he left the tent and walked to the main entrance at the fence where he would leave the haven and enter the ravenous outside world.

It was a 15 minute walk and Sebastian saw the sun slowly rise up at the horizon. He guessed it was about five o'clock. The gate was guarded heavily by 4 men wearing iron armor and carried swords at the hip.

Guard: HALT! Who are you?

Sebastian: Sebastian, I'm the new solo squad.

Guard: Oh right Tim did tell us about you starting today, are you sure you gonna be ok out there alone?

Sebastian: I'll be fine, just give me my task.

Guard: OK kid, there is an old air force base that was recently overrun by ghouls indicating that there were people, leading us to believe that there are supplies left.

Sebastian: Let me guess, I need to go raiding for supplies?

Guard: Correct, the ghouls already left so it will be easy picking. We are gonna give you four days to do the job and be back, if you are not back in that time stamp we will assume you are dead.

Sebastian nodded and walked through the gate showing the the once healthy and booming city now dead.

The teen jogged at a slow pace while keeping a look out for any ghouls nearby. He came across a lvl 3 ghoul eating something, he could only guess it was a person at one stage but the thing was extra greedy and took a lunge at Sebastian. With one clean movement Sebastian drew the sword and cut the ghoul's head off, he flung his sword downwards splattering the very dark blood on the floor and sheathing it back afterwords.

After about 4 more ghouls crossing his path he arrived at the base. The once solid concrete wall around it was destroyed to crumbs and you could see pieces of body parts laying around with an unholy amount of blood making the grass seem as if it was a red sea of blood. Sebastian quickly activated stealth and slowly walked into the base.

It would seem as it was the truth about survivors staying here as he could see tents were occupying the area inside.

A sudden sound brought the teen to quickly grab 3 throwing knives in his hand and turn to the sound. It was a lowly ghoul walking around, the level was 2 and it was an old fighter pilot.

Sebastian was about to put it out its misery when a loud bang was heard and its head exploded. Quickly turning to where the bang went off he saw a hummer pull up and 4 people coming out, all of them holding rifles and had ski masks over their faces.

Thug 1 : Haha did you see how that things head exploded like BOOM!

Thug: I know right shit was hilarious!

Suddenly the right door opened and another person walked out of it.

???: Quit your bitching and go loot the place, there's supposed to be items in this base.

All the Thugs: Yes boss!

The boss they referred to was a teen that looked about the same age as Sebastian. He had a blue hoodie jacket on with a simple denim and sneakers. On his back was a black and silver Halberd. His hair color was golden blond and he had lush green color eyes. The teen leaned to the side where one thug was whispering something to him.

???: Yo the person standing using stealth over there, are you gonna come out peacefully or am I gonna have to shoot your ass out.

Sebastian knew the teen was talking about him so he deactivated stealth and stood up straight from his crouching position.

???: You see that wasn't so difficult was it?

Sebastian: I would say that was the toughest thing I've ever done in my life he let out a grin.

???: Wise ass huh? He chuckled and stood to face with Sebastian.

???: What's your business here cause you sure as hell ain't getting that loot.

Sebastian: Well sorry to say but that will be mine shortly.

Thug 2: Hey, were do you get off talking to boss Leo like that!

Sebastian: Leo?

Thug 4: Surprised to hear that name? That's right, Leo Taka the little brother of Arata Taka the Yakuza boss!

Sebastian: That's a cool story, but I don't care he said and was busy fixing his cloths.

Thug 3: You Shit !

Th thug brought his gun up and started to unload a storm of bullets towards Sebastian.

The teen quickly lunged behind cover and saw the concrete get ripped to shreds around him. With a quick roll he got out of the bullet's storm and quickly spun around throwing 2 knives in the thug's head, killing him instantly.

The thug's lifeless body fell down and made an eerie thump when it came into contact with the ground.

Thug 2: Jimmy! I'll get you, you bastard!

He started to glow yellow and was suddenly in front of Sebastian and launched a stone club which was probably his main weapon into the teens stomach causing him to blast backwards into a nearby wall.

Letting out a gasp due to his wind being knocked out of him; Sebastian looked up and quickly dodged to the left to not get hit by the mace wielding man.


Sebastian quickly activated observe and looked at the remaining thugs and Leo.

Thug 1:Name [Richard Owen] Level [10] HP[90]

Thug 2:Name [Jack Oak] Level [11] HP[100]

Thug 3:Name[Brad Gust] Level [7] HP[70]

Name:[Leo Hawk] Level [???] HP[???]

Being suspicious of those question marks on Leo's level he quickly wanted to deal with the thugs.

Jack: You wont be able to escape me! Not when I have [Cheetahs Strut] active... I'll be the fastest person alive!

Sebastian quickly spun on his heals and delivered a power fueled hook into the mans face, causing him to blast in the ground making a small crater.

Sebastian: Do you ever shut up? Like damn.

Jack groaned and saw a system message was flashing in front of him.

System: USER HAS LOST 80 HP.

Jack: What... how could you have dealt 80 damage in one blow!

He quickly started to crawl backwards when a boot was planted in his stomach and he couldn't move anymore.

Sebastian: Why would I answer to a dead man?

Jack: You cant kill me, you'd be a murderer!

Sebastian: You can't seriously pull that card out, the strong survive and the weak die that is the new natural law in this messed up world of ours.

Jack looked up and saw emotionless red eyes stare down at him before he entered the eternal sleep of death.

Sebastian sheathed his sword and ignored the system messages in front of him. He turned to face Leo and saw that the teen was giving him a big grin and the other two thugs were shaking in their boots.

Leo: Oh this is gonna be fun Sebastian!