Chapter 16

The other teens pulled out their own separate weapons. Arata had a bo staff that seemed to be a gold color, and Chase had a harvester scythe, the blade was pure black and its handle was wood.

Arata: Alright.

He looked back at the thugs behind and gave them an order.

Arata: You all go deal with the ghouls, do not disturb us... Understood?

All the Thugs: YES SIR!

All of them pulled out different fire arms and made a wall as they started to shoot the ghouls down.

It began raining, as the rain poured down and when a lighting bolt came between the three teens they lunged at each other showing that the fight was going to start.

Sebastian quickly swiped downwards and his katana was creating sparks as it clashed against Chase's scythe. He quickly jumped up and moved left as Arata's staff came down very fast and the force behind the hit caused dust to spring up masking the three fighters .It didn't last long as the rain settled it quick.

Sebastian quickly grabbed 3 throwing knives, infused his mana within them and threw them to the others . Arata quickly pulled out a pistol and shot the one that was coming towards himself and Chase hit his away with his spinning, Arata quickly turned on the sole of his foot and pointed the pistol right at Chase's head.

Arata: Go away, He's my kill. He said and shot the bullet close range.

The bullet was shot but it sounded like it hit something metal and bounced back almost hitting Arata in the face making him jump back.

Chase: That's quite the reflexes you got there, that bullet was going fast.

Arata: Says the guy that brought up his scythe blade and blocked the shot.

Chase simply grinned and shrugged his shoulders.

Sebastian gripped his sword again and sprinted towards Chase, Arata was also closing in.

Sebastian coated his sword with his mana and started to do combos, slowly overpowering the white hair teen, but then he suddenly laughed and lowered his scythe making Sebastian fall forwards and sent his own Mana fueled punch straight into the gut of the teen and made him blast backwards right past Arata that was behind him.

Arata shouted and activated a skill as his bo staff glowed a red hue.

There was suddenly something thrown in between the two and Arata looked down and saw that it was a throwing knife that glowed marron, seconds later an explosion occurred, blasting both of them backwards.

Sebastian panted and held his stomach as he moved his wet hair out of his vision so he could see the other two. Arata's jacket was in tethers so he just discarded it and spat some blood on the floor that was immediately washed away from the down pour. Chase was in the same situation as he threw away his blazer top and grinned crazily.

Chase:YES YES YES! Now this is what I yearned for! You are both so strong it will be pure joy beating and killing you both.

Sebastian: I'm not going to die today.

Arata: Same, I've still got my Yakuza to run.

All three of them sprinted towards each other, Sebastian switched his focus and swiped sideways making Arata Bring his Bo staff up and block the strike. Sebastian put more force in and pushed Arata back, spun on his sole of his foot and swung his sword towards Chase.

Sebastian: One Sword Style: Soratobu-gyo!

The sword cut threw the rain drops and Chase could swear he saw a school of flying fish coming straight towards him. Out of pure instinct he bent backwards, dodging the decapitation, but still got cut across the chest, making him cuss and jump back.

Sebastian stood his ground, held his sword and it was suddenly coated by a red hue as if it was dipped in paint.

Chase: Yes, cut me more Sebasty-Poo! He said laughing as he gripped his scythe high and used a skill.

Chase:[Crescent Moon Decent]

The blade gained a yellow hue and he swung down, both Arata and Sebastian back flipped backwards and saw that where they just stood was a giant gash in the earth that had already made a mini pool due to rain filling it.

Sebastian lunged towards Chase and threw a throwing knife in the teens direction making him block it but he didn't notice that Sebastian bent low and used it as a distraction and swiped upwards, when he suddenly got hit by a glowing bow staff making him puff in smoke, startling Arata failing to see Sebastian behind both of them.

Sebastian: This Ends Now! He activated one of his strongest skills.

Sebastian:[Mondschnitt Streik]causing a giant white slash towards the two and a big explosion happened drawing the attention of everyone.

When the dust settled it showed Sebastian panting, and he expected to see two corpses but instead it showed Arata glowing golden with wounds but not heavy and the same with Chase that was panting and had a big shield in his arms.

Chase: Wow that was quite a strike, I'm glad I got this from that turtle boss, shame it had only one use. He said as it turned into particles.

Arata: Let's wrap this up, let's all use our strongest skill and who ever is victorious will win, agreed?

Chase: Hmmm. He held his chin and looked up ignoring the rain assaulting his eyes. OK I agree.

Sebastian: Alright.

Arata Nodded and walked a few steps away before a huge amount of mana built up around him, the same with Chase.

Sebastian: Guess its time to use my trump card... He said as he activated his strongest skill.

Chase:[Fallen Angel Azazel]!

Arata:[Great Buddha's Disciple]

Sebastian:[Ma tei {Demon Emperor}]

A flash of white light happened, it almost blinded everyone and when it settled down all three of the teen's appearances changed.

Chase was donning a black coat. he himself had black hair and had 2 black angel wings coming out his back, his scythe glowing purple.

Arata had bulky golden armor that covered his entire body except his head.

Sebastian had a male Kimono that was red and had black flower patterns on it. He had flowing red hair that reached his hips as he had black tattoos all over his body except on his face as his teeth were more jagged and his eyes glowed more red and from the side of his head came 2 big horns made out of fire pointing upwards

Chase: Look at us looking, dashing, especially you Sebasty-poo I wouldn't mind you getting wild with me.

He winked at Sebastian.

Sebastian suddenly disappeared and then appeared right in front of Chase, he sent a punch in the teen's face making him fly upwards due to the pressure, Sebastian was about to jump after him when he suddenly felt a hand on his back, he looked down and saw Arata's hand there and he looked at him.

Arata: Ohm

He said and Sebastian was launched forwards with great force blasting him through tents and the ground.

Chase soon came flying down and brought his scythe down on Arata who blocked it with his staff but still sent great winds that blew the rain away from them.


Random Thug 2: I DON'T THINK SO.

Just as they were about to continue a red flash dashed right by them at great speed, it was Sebastian! He appeared right next to the two and swiped his sword in a wide arc filled with his new mana, causing both of them to be blasted backwards. All three of them panted and were clearly sweating, they couldn't keep their new forms for long.

Arata/Chase/Sebastian: TIME TO FINISH THIS!

Chase flew up a few feet and held his scythe high and it suddenly glowed black before it grew to the size of a sky scrapper making some clouds that was close to it to disappear due to its sheer size.

Chase:[Heavens Downfall]!

Arata closed his eyes and started to do a chant and behind him appeared a giant golden statue with thousands arms and sent all those arms in one direction with great force.

Arata: [Thousand Palm Punishment]!

Sebastian poured all his Mana in his sword making it grow into a giant red blade crackling with energy and he slashed downwards sending a giant slash of pure mana.

Sebastian:[Kosumosu kuchiku-kan {Cosmos Destroyer}]!

Just as all three attacks were going to connect a figure appeared between the attacks and caught them causing a massive explosion to occur blowing away all the rain clouds showing the night and a pure white color spread everywhere.

After the white faded Sebastian felt a lot of of pain all over his body and he was fading in between being consciousness and being knocked out. He looked over to where the attack landed and saw a hurt Chase fall through a Purple portal behind him, Arata was also wounded and the Yakuza thugs quickly rescued him and drove of, right before Sebastian was going to pass out he saw the figure that received the attacks being completely unscathed.

He wore a giant white coat and had the hoodie part up , he was bare feet, but his feet were deathly white and had black tattoos at where the feet bones were. The figure looked over and turned into particles as the wind carried them away making it disperse.

This was to much for the teen and he finally passed out.

It didn't feel like he rested at all... When Sebastian woke up, his body was in pain all over and see couldn't see that well with his one eye.

Sebastian:I need to meet up with the others... His voice croaked.

So with all his remaining strength he stood up from the rubble that fell on him. As he looked around he saw thousands of ghouls walking around, also flames and the entire base was destroyed, holes and craters littering the ground.

Sebastian: Is this what hell looks like? He said to himself softly and quickly took out the midnight scarf, he used his last drops of mana to activate stealth and began to walk towards the location he gave to his group, it was his old house...

It took about a day to arrive at the place but it felt like years to Sebastian as he kept slipping into unconsciousness due to the pain, but he finally arrived. There he saw Sapphire and Junak standing at the gate waiting for him to arrive. When their eyes landed on him their eyes went wide as they rushed over to him fast.

Sebastian: I'm glad you all are safe.

He said in dry voice and he finally allowed himself to pass out. Before he did though he saw three figures surrounding him.

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Volume END''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''