Chapter 17

Its been three months since the big fight between Sebastian, Chase, and Arata. It's also been three months since the Eco base was destroyed.

In a a forest it showed a lone deer busy walking through the tree line, while eating grass when its ear suddenly twitched and it brought its head up only to get a arrow shot straight in the head, killing it instantly.

Muffled foot steps were heard as it showed a figure putting their bow on their back and crouching low.

???: Alright that makes 5 deer's. I think that would be enough for us at the base what you think?

???: I think i'm not needed here if you can get all these deer...May

Yes indeed the girl that shot the deer was May Fall, she hadn't changed that much over the three months, she had a scar running up from her cheek to her ear from the time she fought the strength mutated ghoul.

She wore a black bomber jacket with some blue sweatpants and she had a scarf around her neck. The person she was talking to was a lanky teen that had dark blue hair that covered his one eye, but you could see the other one was a soft brown hazel. He also wore a black bomber jacket with a pair of jeans and on his back was an assault rifle. This was Ron West.

May: Yeah but we never know if a mutant beast or ghoul is gonna pop up and kill little old me. She said as she hit his arm slightly.

Ron: Yeah right there's rumors going around the base that you reached level 30 few days ago. You don't need a low level 15 like me.

May: Well maybe everyone would reach level 30 if they didn't just sit on their ass and expect us to bring them supplies on a silver plate.

She huffed and placed her hand on the dear and it dissolved into particles.

Ron: Do you think our inventory is limitless? I mean that's the fifth deer in there and there's still space.

May: Dunno and don't care, all my job consists of is hunting game and bringing them back to the base.

May: Speaking of the base, we need to head back, its starting to get dark.

The journey back took 15 minutes and the base they were talking about was an old camping ground that was surrounded by a giant wooden wall around it and next to the wall's were towers where you could see people with guns and different weapons patrolling.


May: Its me and Ron yah dumbass... can't you open your eyes?

Guard: No need to be mean. He whispered to himself and opened the gate.

Inside the base different people were doing different things such as walking with their families and others were trading item drops with each other and such.

May stopped by the a building that had a sign that read "Butchery" and she dropped off the deer on the counter making the butcher smile and pass her 6 slices of already cut meat from a fridge at the back.

Butcher: Ah thanks May, I don't know where we would be if you didn't hunt.

May: Other people hunting?

The butcher smiled at the girl and shook his head before heading back into the kitchen.

Butcher: Well the other hunters always come back with a butchered deer not allowing me to harvest the meat while you give a neatly killed deer that can be harvested nicely.

The man bent down and opened a freezer and took out 4 pieces of meat that was enough to serve 6 people as it was quite big.

May just sighed and took the meat in her inventory and went out and walked towards the residential areas. On the way over she was greeted by people and she greeted them back.

After the short walk she arrived at a wooden cabin, and the chimney was pouring out smoke indicating that people were using the fire place inside.

???: Yo May, you had another successful hunt?

Said teen looked to the side and saw two of her friends also walking up to the cabin.

May: Damn straight, Junak and Emily what did you guys do today other than holding hands.

May pulled a kissing face.

Junak: Its not like that! He shouted and was blushing

May: Mhm sure.

She sent them a smile and walked into the house.

Junak: Shut up!

Junak has changed a bit, as he had a growth spurt making him taller than what he was and his red hair that was shoulder length was now cut short and spiky. He was wearing warm clothes as well. The girl was known as Emily Marsh was a new friend they made a 2 month ago when Junak saved her but couldn't save her family as they were eaten in a ghoul attack

She was wearing baggy sweat pants and sneakers, she had a blue parka that was to big for her and she had light pink hair and red eyes, she was also carrying a brown fat teddy bear plushy with her. Emily was the same age as Junak which was 13 years old.

Emily: I also wouldn't mind if we were holding hands. She said as she held the teddy in front of her and ran back into the house blushing.

Junak: Wha..Wait what did you just say! He said running back in.

Inside the cabin was a small kitchen and 4 couches in front a crackling fire. A girl was sitting on the couch and turned back.

???:Hey guys! How was work today?

May: Was boring as ever, it really ticks me off... At least you help people Sapphire.

The girl sitting was Sapphire Heart and she was wearing a long sleeve jacket and had denim jeans on, her germ mask was on the coffee counter and her hair was kept in a high pony tail.

Sapphire: I just help Doctor John, his skill is truly amazing, even beating [Mad Doctors Students] healing capabilities.

???:Not everyone has the same skills so don't beat yourself up Sapphire.

Everyone looked over towards the voice and the voice belonged to a girl carrying a tray that had 6 cups of warm coffee on it.

This girl was Rose Hope, an old friend of Sapphire which they met here at the camp and when her and rose met up they became friends instantly again, the group accepted her and also became her friend later.

She had a petite figure and also wore a long sleeved black shirt and had khaki pants on. Her hair color was black with yellow highlights and it was cut in a Chinese bob hair style. She had gold colored eyes and in front of her eyes sat a pair of black framed square glasses.

Sapphire: Mmm I guess your'e right Rose. She shivered and turned to the fire.

Junak: Want me to make the fire bigger?

Emily: It is becoming quite cold these days.

Rose: Winter is right at our doorstep. Why do you think they're sending all the hunters out to get food so we can stockpile it for the cold season, we don't even know if the plague is going to effect the season at all.

She then placed the tray down and everyone reached and took their own cup of coffee. They took a sip simultaneously and released a content sigh as the warm liquid traveled down into their bodies.

Just as they were going to carry on talking, the front door opened and the last person that stays in this house walked in.

Rose: Look who finally appeared.

She sent him a smile as did everyone.

Rose: Your coffees getting cold.

The person she was talking to was none other than Sebastian Topaz, he wore grey jeans, had a black polar collar long arm shirt on and he placed a brown coat back in his inventory. His black and white hair was combed to the one side and was neatly cut as his fringe was spiked a bit up taking away the mop head that he was growing. Over his left eye was a big scar going downwards, it was a miracle that the eye still worked perfectly now, and over his nose ridge was also a scar. These scars came from the fight between those people three months ago.

Sebastian: Thanks, I'll come fetch that now.

He smiled and walked over.

May looked at the male walking over and noticed something by his hip.

May: Sebastian you know the rules, no weapons in the house.

He looked at her then suddenly remembered that he had his white katana still equipped.

Sebastian: Oh sorry, I just came back from a supply run. He said as he stored his sword away.

May: Must be nice being on a assault team's. She sighed and pouted.

Sebastian: Well I'm glad you think so cause I got us in the mass exploration of the city tomorrow.

May/Junak: Really!

Rose: And why would we need to explore the city?

Sebastian: As you know we are currently getting our electricity from the hydro power dam up stream correct?

All of them: Correct.

Sebastian: Well due to a boss spawning there the control room was broken.

Emily: What of the boss, is it still there? She gripped her bear tightly, she was very afraid of boss creatures.

Sebastian smiled and rubbed her head making her smile.

Sebastian: Yeah we took care of it, but it still damaged the plant beyond repair.

Junak: So let me guess we have to go into the city to go get energy sources?

Sebastian: Bingo.

May: Finally, Some action! OH here is the meat for dinner tonight.

Rose/Sapphire: Great we will prepare them now.

Sebastian: After eating its straight to bed OK, tomorrow is the mission, so rest well.

All of them: Alright!