Chapter 61

Once they were inside the office Sebastian took off his Captain coat and hanged it on a coat hanger he sat at the main desk and the others sat in front of him.

"Now let's begin." said Sebastian as his eyes glowed softly red as the atmosphere became serious.

"What are your names?" asked Sebastian.

"Lio Virgo" said Lio as he sent him a happy go lucky smile

"Angel Grace" replied Angel as she sent him a confident grin.

"Gale Metal" said Gale he had serious expression on.

"It's nice to meet you all" said Sebastian as he nodded his head at them.

"Now explain the events that happened." asked Sebastian.

"Those Solider bastards came out of no were and start killing our people so we fought back!" said Lio.

Angel knocked Lio on the head.

"Dummy you forgetting your talking to one of those bastard soldiers' boss!" shouted Angel.

"They came underground which as you may not know is a safe haven for null level people and refuges that can't find any place to stay.

"Boss! Why did you tell him that his going to send troops now!" Shouted Angel/Lio.

"Do you really think I'm an idiot? That I would carelessly give this information to anyone!" shouted Gale.

"But we all saw it with our own eyes his different than the other Captains." said Gale.

"It all could have been in act to give you a feeling of safety before I betray you and personally execute you myself." said Sebastian.

The man leaned forwards and intertwined his fingers together looking straight in the eyes of Gale. Gale gave a small chuckle and also leaned forward looking at Sebastian straight in the eyes.

"Well we would already have been dead by now wouldn't we "Red Demon of the Bloody Gardens" "replied Gale.

Sebastian gave them a small smirk and then leaned back the serious atmosphere was immediately replaced with a normal one.

"Wait you're the Red Demon?!" shouted Lio and Angel.

"Can't believe they still use that damn nickname" said Sebastian as he scratched his cheek bashfully.

Gale suddenly stood up causing everyone to look at him.

"Fight me Topaz!" shouted Gale.

"And why would I do that?" asked Sebastian.

"I want to get stronger" said Gale as he clenched his fist.

"I don't want to never lose to anyone like Marco again and feeling the fear of losing my close ones" said Gale as he took a glance at Lio and Angel quickly.

"Plus, there are some shady new people taking over the underground I am not losing to them" said Gale determination was blazing in his eyes.

"HELL, YEAH BOSS WE WITH YOU!" shouted Lio and Angel together.

Both of them stood up and grinned with Gale who had a small smile on his face. Sebastian stood up slowly and looked them all in the eyes.

"Alright we can fight but let's make a wager." said Sebastian.

"What's the wager?" asked Gale.

"If I win you all three join my squad but if you three win your free without a charge behind your name." stated Sebastian.

The trio looked at each other and nodded to one another.

"Deal!" said the trio.

"Great then Follow me." said Sebastian.

All four of them walked out the office and arrived at a big empty patch of dirt behind the building, the trio walked towards the one side of patch as Sebastian walked to the other. The suddenly appearance of their Captain in his usual sparing spot lured in all the soldiers training to come and watch what's going on. Junak also walked up and stood next to Sebastian.

"Care to explain what's happening?" asked Junak.

"They wanted to fight" replied Sebastian as he chuckled afterwards.

"You're not going to go full power on them, right?" said Junak.

"Nah I won't maybe a little bit" said Sebastian as he had a mischievous grin on his face.

The teen took of his Hunter corp shirt reveling him to wear a skin tight black shirt showing his toned body. All lot of female Squad 2 soldiers had massive blushes on their faces and passed out. Angel looked to the side with blush on her face, Lio looked excited and took off his jacket just in his T- Shirt yelling this is how men fight! Gale had a small blush on his face and then slap his face gaining a serious expression again.

Junak sighed seeing all their reactions and then took a step back allowing Sebastian to walk a bit forward.

"Alright here are the rules, all skill use is allowed and weapons as well but no giant skills allowed, I don't want my squad to get injured ok?" said Sebastian.

"OK!" shouted the trio.

Gale swiped his hand downwards and then suddenly a big fire ingulfed his hand and he pulled out a flame katana, Lio's hands were covered with giant ice blocks and then changed into bulky ice gauntlets, Angels legs were covered with bright light until it settled down revealing her to be wearing her thigh high heeled lightning boots.

Sebastian gained a serious expression and flexed his hands before he went into a close combat stance.

Angel suddenly grinned and then vanished seconds later arriving in front of Sebastian. Her left leg suddenly glowed green as she activated a skill.

"[ Gazel Gallop]!" said Angel activating a skill.

She sent barrages of high-speed kicks towards Sebastian with a confident smirk thinking she already got this in the bag when she lost her smirk seeing Sebastian merely dodged all of them his eyes glowing red.

Lio came roaring from above as his fist glowed golden.

"[Constellation Crush]!" declared Lio.

Sebastian quickly jumped out the way of the attack seeing were he stood was a massive crater now. He felt a presence behind him and turned around to see Gale above him his sword was glowing purple.

"[Hyena Jaws]" said Gale.

He sent two purple slashes against Sebastian which blasted him back on the ground bringing up a dust cloud. Gale landed softly next to Lio and Angel.

"Do you think we got him?" asked Lio.

"Probably I mean it must have been a fluke that he dodged my Gazel Gallop maybe the health potions we drank didn't heal everything?" said Angel.

"He dodged your skill point blank?" muttered Gale to himself.

At Junak the soldiers around him were talking to one another.

"Damn is Captain really getting his ass beat by these 3?" said a male soldier.

"Maybe he is tired?" replied a female Soldier.

Junak was about to respond when someone else did it for him.

"You both clearly haven't seen Sebastian fight full power, have you?" asked a male voice.

The boy looked to his left and saw a teen who appeared to be 19 years old, He had short spikey blond hair gelled up with startling magenta colored eyes, he had two gladius swords on his back where one was pointing upwards and the other was pointing downwards. He was wearing the hunter corp uniform.

"Dante how you been?" asked Junak.

He sent the teen a smile and held his fist out for a fist bump, Dante sent him a big grin and returned his fist bump.

"Good thanks just came back from squad 6 had to get this guy a few spare parts in case he breaks." said Dante.

He pulled his left pant leg up revealing it to be a black and blue metal robotic prosthetic leg.

Junak nodded his head at his friend and then focused on the fight again.

At the fight the dust cloud suddenly dispersed and Sebastian stood out the crater.

"Ah thanks for getting my neck I forgot to stretch it before the fight" said Sebastian as he cracked his neck and sent them a grin.

The man disappeared and then appeared in front of the three in front of his finger was a glowing red orb.

"[Hametsu] {Ruin}" declared Sebastian.

The small orb suddenly changed into a massive red beam that blasted the trio in the air their screams of pain was heard as they came falling down. Gale gritted his teeth and then held his sword out that grew massive and glowed more purple. The other two also preformed their ultimate skill.

"[Artic Collapse]!" said Lio.

"[Deus Machia]!" said Angel.

"[Burning Universe] X2!" said Gale.

When their skills were launched a massive blinding, light happened and when it settled a glowing Red Dragon roared as it sallied through the air towards Sebastian.

Said man smiled and then took out both his Katana's and they glowed white with a marron highlight.

"Let's end this little duel of ours..." said Sebastian slowly.

"[Mondschnitt streik Cross]!" roared Sebastian.

Two Mondshnitt streiks sailed through the air until they merged with one another and created a glowing cross that cut the dragon straight in to two and hit the trio causing a giant explosion to happen in the air. When the explosion settled down it showed all three of them were knocked out due to their eyes rolled in the back of their head their clothes ripped here and there. Sebastian sheathed his katana and then jumped in the air activating another skill.

"[Air Hop]" said Sebastian as the soles of his feet glowed light blue.

He jumped in the air as if he was on invisible plate forms and caught the falling trio and gently landed on the ground with all three of them in his arms.

"You know one mana infused slashed would have been enough to stop that dragon but you had to go overboard with Monschnitt streik huh?" said Junak.

Sebastian chuckled and then saw that the sun was setting in the distance.

"I'm sure Sapphire wouldn't mind healing these three before we eat right?" asked Sebastian.

Junak rolled his eyes and then told all the soldiers to go get some sleep as they will have early morning training causing a chorus of groans to be heard. Dante said Hello to Sebastian and then said he needs to get back to Blair before she kills him causing Junak and Sebastian to laugh a bit. The duo got into a military truck and drove off to Junak and Emily's house wanting to enjoy a nice meal after a long day of work.

In the underground sections of Asuka city in an alleyway a man was seen panting and bleeding from their head as they held a broken sword in their grip.

"I am not giving any information!" shouted the person.

The person he was talking to was a man wearing a lab cloak and he had a group of soldiers behind him.

"We just desire you for your special skill don't make this harder on yourself." declared the man in the lab coat.

"PISS OFF!" shouted the bleeding person.

The figure roared and charged at the man causing him to sigh.

"Don't Damage him to much I need him whole ok... Muerte" said the man slowly.

A figure appeared above the man causing him to look up in slow motion before his entire head was completely destroyed due to the figure flicking his finger. The wall of the building next to them was sprayed with the man's blood as his body layed headless on the floor staining it with a shiny red color now.

"Eh this is still useable" said the man as he kicked the now dead corpse here and there.

The figure Muerte was a lean and tall male that had baggy white cargo pants and had a small open vest on revealing his deathly white skin, he had the roman number for 3 on his chest. He had messy white hair as he yawned showing his pitch-black teeth to the world and opened his eyes revealing them to be black with yellow iris shining brightly.

"Professor Sterben we just received a new message from are contact!" said one of the soldiers.

"What's the message?" asked Sterben.

"There will be a ball party for the engagement of one the Captains! All the captains and their vice Captains will be present." said the soldier.

"Oh, this is a perfect occasion!" said Sterben as he had a big smile on his face as he started walking out the ally way.

"We shall show them all wont we my Segadores?{Reapers}" said Sterben.

5 figures appeared behind the man and they with Muerte walked up behind him.