Gale groaned as he started to wake up when he suddenly sat up and looked around. He wasn't in his bedroom he was on someone's coach and next to his coach were Lio and Angel drooling on separate cushions they were cuddling.
"Ah im glad you woke up" said a gentle voice.
Gale looked to his left and saw Emily stand there with 3 bottles of water in her arms.
"Where are we?" asked Gale.
"You guys are in my house!" she told the teen pridefully making him chuckle nervously.
"What happened?" asked Gale.
"After your spar with Sebastian he brought you guys here to get healed by a friend and to eat with us" said Emily as she smiled at him.
Both Lio and Angel Suddenly sprang up and looked at Emily with Stars in their Eyes.
"WE GET TO EAT TO?!" Shouted Lio and Angel.
Emily giggled at their reaction and told them to wash their hands and go in the kitchen so long.
Both of them sprinted towards the bathroom and then the kitchen after words.
"I guess we lost to him, didn't we?" said Gale as he had a bitter smile on his face.
Emily walked over to the tall teen and lightly punched him on the chest causing him to look at her in the eyes.
"You did yes but Sebastian told us that he was very impressed by you guys fighting strength, and he doesn't get impressed easily let me tell you" replied Emily as she chuckled.
"Are you guys related or something? You all are very close to one another." asked Gale.
"We are not related by blood but we have been through a lot of things and our entire group see Sebastian as a big brother role who protects us and cares for us." explained Emily.
"That's a big burden to carry." stated Gale.
"You would know how big of a burden it is wouldn't you?" said Emily.
"What do you mean?" asked Gale.
"You and your two friends are very close friends even seeing each other as family, you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them, would you?�� said Emily.
Gale had a fond smile on his face as he looked at Angel and Lio burst out the bathroom and run in the kitchen.
"Yes, your right." whispered Gale.
"We all started out Weak some more than others such as myself Gale but through hard work and your close people backing you up you can become strong." said Emily soothingly.
"Thanks" replied Gale as he sent her a smile.
"NOW LET'S EAT!" Shouted Emily.
She laughed and also ran in the kitchen causing Gale to laugh softly and follow the girl. In the kitchen Stood Sebastian with a big pot that had hot Stew in it he was wearing a plain red t-shirt and black cargo shorts with blue flip flops.
"Oh, glad you guys woke up dinner is about ready" said Sebastian as he looked at Gale over his shoulder.
"Thanks...Captain." stated Gale.
"Sebastian is just fine Gale we are in a home now not the military base." replied Sebastian.
He smiled and walked past Gale who followed the man. When they arrived at a big table Gale saw a few people there, he recognized Junak and Emily talking with one another and Lio and Angel busy talking to someone he has not met yet. She had long blue hair that reached her back and was wearing a t shirt with denim jeans. This was Sapphire, and next to her was Captain of Squad 5 Hanabira, her long orange hair was now cut shorter and the ends were curled, she was also in casual clothes which consisted of a t-shirt and shorts and didn't wear her beret.
"Now that everyone is here let's dig in!" said Sebastian.
He was about to scoop himself some stew in when Sapphire slapped his hand causing him to pout and sit in his chair like a spoiled child.
Sapphire giggled at his action and then stood up.
"I see we have a few new faces with us but that's fine I asked Em to host this occasion for us because I have announcement to make." started Sapphire.
"WE GETTING MARRIED!!" Shouted Hanabira.
The Captain sprang up and showed the engagement ring to everyone. Everyone clapped and congratulated the pair that have been dating since after the war and they knew they were serious.
All the girls went over to Hanabira and Sapphire and looked at their rings showering them with compliments.
"Ah I wish we could just get married like this but that isn't happening." mumbled Hanabira.
"Why?" asked Sebastian.
"Wallice heard about me getting engaged and decided to hold a big engagement ball I tried to tell him it's alright but he didn't listen he just wants to use this as another opportunity to show how superior he is to us" stated Hanabira as she rolled her eyes.
Sebastian sighed and leaned back in his chair.
"When and who is invited?" said Sebastian.
"Tomorrow night and its Captains and Vice Captains plus some VIP Guests." answered Hanabira.
"That's Short notice" said Junak as he had a frown on his face.
"I know anyway we just have to get it over with I want to just spend my days with this beauty everyday" said Hanabira as she kissed Sapphire on the cheek causing her to blush a bit but wrap her arm around her waist and pull her closer.
Sebastian laughed and then he finally dished up for everyone, all of them were having a good time eating and talking to each other. Soon everyone was tired and Junak said the crew could sleep over. The recently engaged couple had their own room the same with Emily and Junak, Sebastian had his own room and the trio were sleeping in the living room. In the middle of the nigh Gale groggily opened his eyes when he heard the balcony door open, being curious as to who would be up at this hour, he slowly walked towards it when he heard a voice.
"Yeah they getting married who would have guessed it" said Sebastian as he chuckled softly.
Gale looked outside and saw Sebastian was talking to a girl on his holodisk.
"They would have really liked it if you came and celebrated with us May..." replied Sebastian softly.
"You know i can't do that Sebastian..." stated May remorsefully.
"A guy can dream you know" stated Sebastian as he smiled at the hologram seeing May smile back at him.
"You're such a big softie when it comes to us where the Red Demon of the bloody Garden?" teased May.
"His on vactian" said Sebastian as they both shared a laugh.
"How's it going on your side?" asked Sebastian.
"The underworld is getting restless a lot of new gangs are showing up and causing trouble Crow can only be at so many places at once you know?" said May.
"You find Rose yet?" asked Sebastian.
"Yes... but she is now a famous mercenary down here." replied May softly.
Sebastian shook his head and looked up in the sky.
"Keep an eye on her for me, will you?" said Sebastian.
"Of course,...Hey Sebastian How long are we going to stay in this retched city?" asked May.
"3 Weeks May I talked to Sapphire and they said they want to get married next week so we will let them marry and then we going away from this graveyard of past mistakes" stated Sebastian as his eyes glowed red.
"Ok I trust you Sebastian ill contact you again tomorrow." said May.
"Stay safe." said Sebastian.
That's when the hologram dispersed and Sebastian put it in his pocket sighing afterword's.
"So, were you heading?" asked Gale.
Sebastian looked over his shoulder and saw Gale was standing at the door and walked out.
"You know its rude to listen in on others conversations." stated Sebastian.
"You still haven't answered the question" replied Gale as he leaned on the railing next to Sebastian and looked up at the stars.
"I know a man who made a village in the jungle I'm sure he will let us stay there if not ill just beat his ass" said Sebastian as he chuckled.
"Who you taking?" asked Gale.
"My Family." stated Sebastian.
"What's the point of us joining the hunter corps if you just going to leave?" said Gale.
"That's why you guys are coming with us." said Sebastian.
Gale was shocked and looked at Sebastian with wide eyes.
"What! But why!" Shouted Gale.
"Everyone likes you guys and if they like you, I like you." stated Sebastian as he stood up straight and looked Gale in the eyes.
"Why! No one has ever showed us kindness and we had to fight for our food and respect are entire lives!" said Gale.
"You all are strong and you don't abuse your power like the leeches in this city" replied Sebastian as his eyes glowed red.
"So, what do you say you want to come with us and start over in a brand-new place? It won't be easy though there will be more ghouls and bosses out there in the wild, or do you want to stay here? Ill respect your decision ether way." asked Sebastian.
Gale looked Sebastian in the eyes and then sent him a smile.
"We will follow you Captain." answered Gale.
Sebastian smiled and stuck his hand out for a hand shake and Gale shook his hand.
"Now get back to bed you got a long day of training ahead of you." said Sebastian.
Gale nodded his head and walked back inside; Sebastian took one last look in the sky with a sad smile.
"I hope you looking down at me from up there Nikuya..." whispered Sebastian softly.