I Don't Give A Second Chance

"I suddenly think that it's a bad idea to bring you here," Felix said while having a look at the interior of the orchard. After exploring the beautiful nature of the trees, he was convinced that it was not a bad idea to spend the morning, being surrounded by the fruit trees.

Yelena tilted her head and gave Felix a strange look. "Why?" She asked.

"Since we reach this place, you went around almost everywhere. Did you already forget that we came here for your fast recovery? At this rate, I doubt that it would happen." He sighed and reminded her of the purpose of their journey.

"Don't worry. By doing this, I will regain my strength little by little and I will be able to return to my job soon." Yelena inhaled and let out a deep breath. "I miss this smell so much!" She exclaimed with a cheerful smile.

"Aw! Even in this situation, you only care about your job!" Felix pursed his lips, feeling displeased.