A Warning From A Stranger

"Your Highness." When the Prince walked to a group of Edeladons who were standing next to Alonzo and his artwork, they bowed to show their respect to their future King.

The Crown Prince nodded as a response and joined their conversation. He recognized some of the men as noblemen while some were politicians who were all acquainted with his cousin.

"We didn't know Your Highness will be here, but it gives us a sense of security to have you with us in a foreign country," one middle-aged man said.

"Exactly. Prince Alonzo didn't say that you will be here but it's a very good surprise," the other man commented.

Prince Felix shifted his gaze to the artwork of his cousin hanged next to him then his lips curved into a smile. "You're too kind. I only came here to support my cousin. It's a personal thing, so there's no need to be so courteous."