What Happened?

"What's wrong, Felix?" Feeling worried because of his cousin's change in attitude within a split second, Lexus placed both of his hands on Felix's shoulders and forced him to look at him.

Meeting Lexus black eyes which urged him to speak up, Felix finally realized what was going on.

"I -I need to return." He hardly uttered the words despite the stuttering and turned his back at his cousin. By doing that, his shivering hands had gone out of control which made his phone slipped from his hand.

He immediately bent down to picked up his phone but Lexus strong hands grabbed him on the arm. "Where do you think you're going? You can't even hold your phone properly." Lexus scowled.

It was like talking to a stone as the Prince was already out of his mind the moment he heard Yelena's squeaky voice. "I need to return." He repeated himself, barely breaking free from Lexus strong grip.