Unforgettable Memory

The snowy day a year ago. It was the day which the Captain fondly reminisce.

The tough joint training goes on under the cold snowy day. It was an unlucky day for Yelena because her fever won't go down since the other night. But it was just a low fever and not something to make a fuss about. After all, soldiers were always trained to have a high endurance rate. Besides, it was their last day of training.

Despite the fever, she joined the training which took place in the mountains. She was not fond of the mountains because it was the place where her brother met his end. But she had no choice as it was an order.

It was a survival training but an adventure course was also prepared, mostly rappelling. Feeling the temperature of her body which was higher and higher as time passed, she started to struggle to catch up with the training but she didn't want to be a nuisance.