Let's Fight Our Own War

"Wait a minute." Felix rose from his seat and walked upstairs to his room. Then he came down and returned to his seat.

He reluctantly placed a photo on the small table just before them, gesturing Yelena to take a look at the photo.

Yelena took the photo with a calm face but there was a glimpse of shock as soon as her eyes landed on the old photo.

It was a picture of Felix with a woman. With the Prince standing behind with his arms around the woman's body and the woman holding his arms, there was no doubt that they were a couple. The couple glanced at the camera while smiling happily.

With a confused face, Yelena shifted her gaze to Felix.

"That was Caria Laria, my first love and my ex-lover. She passed away 4 years ago." Felix started. "The old me had no resemblance to the present me. I was once a domineering and insecure man. I was a 21 years old college student when I first met her."