I Want To Be Your Friend Again

Smartly dressed in her uniform for the first time in a while, Yelena just finished giving the joining report to Major General Lucian Arlyn, the Commander of the Rayvix Special Forces.

Major General Lucian was so delighted to see Yelena in a good shape to the point where he almost forgot the formalities and rules of the army which earned him a little chuckle from the Captain.

"Now that I have finished all the formalities, you can talk freely." Yelena playfully said to the Commander who sat beside her on a single sofa.

"You brat, do you even know how much you make me worry?" The Major General helplessly sighed. After she gave him that much trouble, how can she still joke around?!

"Really? Then I'm sorry, Uncle Matchmaker." The Captain had no intention to stop teasing her uncle!