Once Untainted Soul

Yelena felt like her head was about to explode. It's already 4 in the morning yet she still couldn't figure out who that voice belonged to. She was sure that she had heard somewhere but... she cannot recall no matter how much she thought about it!

She rolled around her huge bed, holding her head with both her palms. She didn't get a single sleep last night. If she had not gotten used to many sleepless nights she experienced during training, her eyes might already be shut by now.

Wondering what to do next, she abruptly sat on her bed and stared at the outdoors which was visible from the window at the left. Though it's the rainy season, the weather seems to be fine today.

When she realized that she needs to work on her fitness, she decided to jog around the neighbourhood since its still early. Besides, it would help her calm down.