I Always Love You

"Here, Your Highness. I ordered a new phone with the same number as you wanted." Cayden handed a new phone to the Crown Prince.

It was already evening in Edeladon and the Prince was busy attending social events of the country for the whole day. He was currently on his way back to the palace when he received his new phone.

Felix immediately switched on the phone and try to make a call. Almost 20 hours had passed since he last talked to Yelena and he wondered if he made her worried. When he was about to make the call, a message notification popped up in his screen. When he saw the name of the sender, he instantly opened the message.

'Is everything alright? I try to call you since last night but your phone was switched off all the time. I'm about to leave for Agrana for a mission. I don't know if I'll be able to get a signal as it is quite a remote place but don't worry. I'll take care of myself and take care too.'