I Put My Life On The Line

"I want you to explain yourself. Why would you suddenly want to withdraw from this project? You are the one who wanted to be an ambassador for this joint training project and we all know that you're the best choice for this." The General of the Edeladon Army, Roland Lewin asked Brigadier Lexus in one room of the Silveren Army Headquarters.

Sitting in an armchair, the General lifted his head to look at the Brigadier who was standing before him at ease. The General was attending an event in the neighbour country of Silveren and he was scheduled to return to Edeladon in the morning. But when he received a call from the Brigadier, he decided to go to Silveren to sort things out but his visit was not made official.

"I apologize, sir. I will take all responsibility. But please, sent someone to replace me. I cannot continue with this project." Brigadier Lexus responded.