Laying Out Some Plans

Ella stood still while firmly holding Arias's hands. Taking a deep breath, she turned around and look at him.

She knows that she should not do but she doesn't care about the rules anymore. She gave him a hug and because the Colonel was still sitting, his head was pressed against her upper abdomen. Gently caressing the back of his head, she whispered, "It's okay. I'm right here."

Burying his face in her stomach, Arias felt the familiar warmth which he always longed for. Ella was always the only one who can make him feel that way. "You know that I love you more than anything else, right?" Arias lifted his head to meet Ella's gaze. "I can't live without you."

"I know. I love you too." Her usually serious face softened when she saw his slight smile. "You're always dumb, that's why you never know how much I love you." She blurted out.