A Pain In Her Heart

"Here." King Lawrence returned the phone to the Chief Guard, Darien who was standing next to him.

The young Chief Guard with a well-built body respectfully took the phone from the King's hand. "Is the Crown Prince's fiancee that unique, Your Majesty?" He asked his King.

Recalling about the young woman he met a while ago, the King's lips curved into a smile that was hard to describe. What was on his mind? Chief Guard Darien had no idea. "She has something in her which drawn other people. I cannot confirm anything yet but I think I should try to know her well. She's worth the try." The King remarked.

"What if you accept? I mean, the Queen is -"

"Nicola will understand. She may be hard to handle at times but she never goes against my words." The King's face softened at the mention of his wife. "That's her greatest charm." He commented with a genuine smile.