She's Mad

"Yelena -"

"Please stop calling my name! It disgusts me. You know how much I look up to you. You know I respect you! But... things have changed now." Yelena growled. Her beautiful eyes were filled with disgust and contempt for this man whom she once respected.

She was such a fool! She can't believe that she used to wish to follow in his footsteps! He was just an accomplice in a crime!

"I beg you. I intend to bring no harm to you or your plan. How can I make you trust me? Say it. I will do whatever you ask." Still kneeling on the cold floors, Colonel Maverick was adamant. He knows that he was in no position to do but he wanted to make sure that this young woman wouldn't get hurt like her brother.

"Tell me who the main culprit is and I will take care of the rest," Yelena said. Her voice was so calm to the point where it could be deemed dangerous. As such, her sudden calmness made the Colonel anxious.