The Enthusiastic Colonel

In Silveren, the soldier couple were sitting opposite to each other in one restaurant. Arias returned in the afternoon and they met up for dinner.

"Ella, I think you have many things to say to me, considering how you dropped a bomb while I was away." Arias met Ella's gaze, his voice was calm like always.

"A bomb?" Ella gasped. "I think it's an overwording." She added without much thought.

"At least, it's like that to me." Arias sighed. "I think I know you well but it seems like I was wrong. I didn't even know what you're up to." He muttered.

Ella already spends the whole day, thinking of what to say. She thought that she had prepared enough but she still felt nervous. Maybe because she was worried about her father. She knew how much Arias respected him. If it was not for his respect for his father, they might never meet.