Hello, Sister-In-Law

The Next Day 

Yelena was amazed when she received a text from Colonel Maverick while she was sitting in her office. The Colonel was asking her to meet at 7 in the night. He said that he had something to tell her.

They were supposed to meet the next day. His one week time will be over so he was to fulfil his promise. Though the Captain didn't expect to meet him today, she was more than curious to know what he would say. So, she agreed to meet him without reluctance.

It was 1 in the afternoon when she received another unexpected call. But she still answered the call.

"Hello." She greeted as she put the phone next to her ear.

"Hello, sister-in-law. Are you busy?"

It was Prince Alonzo with his usual mischievous manners. He was sitting inside the car which was parked near the entrance of the base of Rayvix Special Forces.

"Not so busy today but one thing. I'm not your sister-in-law, at least not yet." Yelena calmly said.