I'm A Bit Sadistic

While waiting for Lexus's call, Felix felt his patience running dry. Anxiety rushed throughout his body. What if this had something to do with his enemy whom he didn't even know?! Just the thought of it was driving him crazy!

When he heard the sound of his ringtone, he swiftly picked up and answer the call.

"Lex, did you find out anything?" He promptly asked.

Lexus who was standing at the base of the Rayvix Special Forces, briefly glanced at Yelena's car which was still parked a few steps away. "I talked with Major General Lucian and checked the CCTV. Yelena left the base around 1 in the afternoon. But her car is still here."

"Do you know with whom did she left?" Felix stood near the window in his room, hardly squeezing the bars. It's very hard to be still!