This Can't Be

Lexus was quite a sly man. He knew his cousin too well and of course, he also knew that Felix won't be able to ignore him if he saw him standing in the rain.

The Crown Prince wasn't great at showing emotions but there was one obvious truth. He was a family man and Lexus knew this. For his cousin to open the door which distanced him from the world, Lexus was willing to brave the heavy rain. He wasn't that sensitive, so he was okay with it.

Finally, the gate was opened and Felix with a big umbrella in his hand appeared on the scene. His emotion was a mixture of concern and rage. Then he walked to his cousin and shielded him from the rain. "Must you be this stubborn? Can't you just let me be?" His voice was cold but Lexus didn't care. He was glad that Felix came out and that's enough for him.

"You already know that I won't do that." Lexus simply said and smiled.