You Won't Like It

"Your Highness, please think it twice. This might only worsen your condition more." Matthew stood in front of the door where the Prince was about to enter. He blocked his way, begging him not to enter the room.

"Your cousin is right, Matthew. Hiding from reality won't solve anything. It's time for me to carry on the task that awaits me." Felix argued and glanced at his wristwatch. "Move." He commanded.

"But Your Highness - "

"I will be fine." Felix calmly said, assuring his right-hand man.

"Then I will enter with you." Matthew promptly said, observing the Prince's reaction.

The Crown Prince fell silent for a while and sighed. "Fine. I have no problem with that." He pointed the door with his chin and glanced at Matthew. "I'm running out of time. Will you move now?"

Hearing his words, Matthew move and opened the door for the Prince with a bit of reluctance.