Do You Think That I Have Gone Crazy?

Felix was in his room, thinking about the official investigation that will start the next day. Now that he had revealed all the truth, he was sure that he won't have a quiet day very soon. He was okay with it but... what about Yelena? This question made him let out a sigh.

Then the door to his room was knocked and his parents walked inside. The look on their faces proved their concern for their only son.

"Mother, Father, please have a seat," Felix said as he ushered his parents to the couch. Then they all took a seat.

"It will be so hard for you, son. Why did you keep everything to yourself?" Queen Nicola muttered, glancing at her son with pity.

Felix didn't know what his mother was talking about. He was sure that they were informed of everything right after the incident. As such, he glanced at his father, seeking help.