Attack Rather Than Defence

When Yelena opened her eyes after a long yet tormenting sleep, the sun had already risen. She flinched when she suddenly saw her grandfather sitting next to her. The General was sleeping but he still holds her hand.

She noticed that it was around 6 in the morning but her grandfather was in his uniform. Was he sitting this way the whole night?! When she realized that she was also in her uniform, she briefly recalled what happened and the pain resurfaced.

She tried to get up cautiously. However, the General was too sensitive and he was awake at a single movement from her. "Grandpa." She quickly muttered when she saw him opened his eyes.

"You're awake?" The grandfather asked, shielding his eyes from the sudden lightness. "What time is it?" He muttered, glancing at his wristwatch. He was here the whole night?!

Yelena finally get up and sat on the bed. "When did you come?"

"A few minutes after you reach here." The General said.