When Love Turned To Friendship

Yelena was alone in her office. The hearing device which Ella sent to her was on the desk right before her and she fixated her gaze on it. She hoped that she made the right decision.

Then the door to her office was knocked and Lt. Morris walked inside. "Captain." He greeted her like he always did.

Yelena was expecting him for a while now. So, she rose from her seat right away. "Have a seat, Morris."

The two took a seat and Yelena handed him the device with a bit of hesitation and Morris took it with a confused face. "The Commander told me that you won't have any missions for a while. Besides, I'm not there. So, I want you to handle this."

"What is this, Captain?" Morris promptly asked.

"With that, you will be able to hear everything that happens in Lt. Gen. Haric's study room. It will be quite useful." She muttered.

Morris raised a brow and quickly narrowed his eyes at the device. "You planted the spying device?"