The Grand Plan


Yelena was in a daze for a while but when she was back to her sense, she finally smiled. "I would be very happy if you indeed wear that, Mother."

Felix was always amazed by his mother's straightforward words whenever Yelena was around. This made him chuckled. "It would be a perfect match if you were born as a mother and daughter." He remarked.

The King was very quick to nod in approval. "That is on my mind too."

The two women laughed at the comments and they continued chatting again.


After they finished dinner, Felix brought Yelena to the Jewel Palace where Princess Gianna was alone. She had heard about Yelena's visit but... she can't bring herself to face her. As such, she was all alone in her room.

When her nephew brought Yelena inside her room, the Princess who was sitting on the bed, quickly turned away. Yelena nodded and Felix walked outside, giving them some time.