Who Will Be Next?

"Did you ask for information on Nolan Iselin? How is he now?" Captain Yelena asked Lt. Morris who was sitting on the right. 

After chatting with the Deputy Commander, she went straight to her office where the Lieutenant awaited her. Then they started their discussion right away.

"I talked with his family last night. They said Nolan Iselin is getting better now. Maybe he might be able to tell us the truth if we meet him but... he rarely spoke. I think it's the trauma." Morris replied.

The Captain fell silent for a while before she said, "If that's the case, I think the idea I had in mind might work."


Yelena nodded. "Now that Lt. Gen. Haric and his supporters have targeted us, we can't go to meet Nolan Iselin. We will only be exposing him to the enemies. That's why... we need the Deputy Commander's help."