Let Me Tell You

Lt. Gen. Haric quickly dressed up in his uniform, trying to leave for the Headquarters. However, when he was approaching the door, he heard a voice.

"Where are you going this early, Father?"

He instantly halted when he heard the familiar voice. Turning around, his gaze landed on his daughter. "Ella, when did you come home? I can't reach you for days."

"Last night."

"That's good. I have something to do, let's talk when I come home." Lt. Gen. Haric promptly said and turned his back at his daughter but...

"Are you rushing out to mend your sins or to commit more?"

Once again, the father stood frozen at his place. For the next few seconds, silence fell upon the house. Ella stared at her father's back while the latter stood still with an aghast face.

Slowly, the Lt. General turned around. "You heard the news? Don't believe it, Ella. It's just - "