Will Anyone Believe Me?

After meeting Lt. Gen. Haric, Yelena was summoned by the highest board of meeting in the Silveren Army Forces. Of course, this meeting was headed by her grandfather, the General.

To be honest, she was feeling quite nervous. She was in a rush yesterday and she didn't want to alert the enemies. That's why only Colonel Arias and Lt. Morris knew about the case that she filed against Lt. Gen. Haric and his men.

Even last night, she didn't go home and instead she slept on the base. Her family didn't know anything about this and they will surely be in a shock.

As the one who filed the case, she was summoned alone. Wearing her uniform, she walked inside the room where she was summoned. She wasn't scared of anything but her grandfather's reaction. When she halted near the chair which was placed for her, she saluted the board members as they were all high ranking officers.