A Message

Yelena and Felix entered Ella's house after half an hour car ride. When the Captain's eyes landed on the man who welcomed them, her eyes flickered.

"Major Ellis?" She didn't expect him to be home at this hour. What's more, she wasn't that pleased to see him as her memories of this man were all bad ones.

"Captain Yelena." Ellis Geraci nodded with a calm face. "Are you here for Ella?"

Yelena had known this man for years and it's the first time he talked to her normally. As such, she can't resist the urge to raise a brow. However, when she realized that he was staring at her, she promptly said, "Yes."

Major Ellis briefly glanced at the man who was quietly standing beside Yelena. He recognized the Prince but he turned back to Yelena right away. "She already locked herself up in her room for the whole day. You can try talking to her but... I'm not sure if she would let you see her."

The Captain nodded. "I will give a try."
