Chapter 26: Chat with Silveria

Emerging from the cavernous maw he'd christened "Goblin's Lair," a grim monument to his twenty-one fallen foes, Alex set his course for the north gate. The weight of his victory pressed upon him, urging him to seek solace in the familiar bustle of the city beyond. But before the comforting hum of civilization could wash over him, he had a lingering question to address with Silveria, his ever-present digital companion.

"Sil," he began, his voice rough with the grit of battle, "now that I stand on the precipice of Rank 2, what new abilities can you unlock for me?"

A digital chime, cool and clear, echoed in his mind. "Analyzing potential upgrades… Based on your current progress, a new bullet type will be available upon reaching Level 15."

Alex's eyes flickered with a spark of anticipation, like a child at the prospect of a new toy. "What kind of bullet?" he pressed, his voice brimming with eagerness.

"Homing bullets," Silveria replied, her tone laced with its usual hint of amusement. "The basic variety, to be precise. Each one will set you back 300 MP and has an effective range of twenty meters. Rank 2 grants access to these, while more advanced homing capabilities will unlock at Rank 3."

A shadow of disappointment flitted across Alex's face. "With my current MP pool, I'd only be able to fire three before running dry," he mused, the pragmatist in him battling the adventurer's thrill. "If only they cost 100 MP each, I could manage eleven shots!"

Silveria, attuned to his unspoken thoughts, offered a silent reply, likely accompanied by an eyeroll he couldn't see.

Deciding to shift gears, Alex brought up a concern gnawing at his conscience. "Sil, do you think we went a little overboard today?"

"Referring to the goblin horde you vanquished, particularly the rare specimen?" Silveria inquired, her voice laced with a knowing that sent shivers down his spine.

"Yes, especially the rare one," Alex admitted, his voice heavy with the weight of his secret. "While exceeding the goblin quota isn't a major issue, the rare species is a different story. While my F-rank slaying thirty goblins might raise eyebrows, claiming a rare kill would send shockwaves. Even D-rank adventurers think twice before tangling with such creatures."

He rubbed his forehead, the gesture betraying the turmoil within. "I was thinking of keeping the rare one under wraps for now. What do you think?"

A contemplative pause descended, broken only by the rhythmic crunch of their footsteps on the dirt path. "Master," Silveria finally began, her voice measured, "I understand your reservations. However, before making a decision, allow me to pose a question."

"Ask away," Alex replied, bracing himself for whatever insight she might offer.

"How would you respond if questioned about the goblin leader's absence?"

The question struck him like a physical blow. He hadn't considered that. Fabricating an excuse wouldn't fly. Thirty goblin corpses wouldn't lie; they screamed of a settlement, and settlements had leaders.

Furthermore, the leader wouldn't be just any goblin. His ears would be distinct, a stark contrast to the ordinary ones Alex possessed. The discrepancy would be glaring, a beacon of suspicion.

And then there were the two human corpses he carried, grim reminders of the leader's brutality, especially the E-rank male. Their presence solidified the leader's existence, a truth Alex couldn't bury.

"Ah," he sighed, the weight of his deception settling heavily upon him. "I guess I have no choice but to present the rare species. The uproar will be inevitable, but a higher rank opens doors to better quests. A necessary gamble, I suppose."

"Indeed, Master," Silveria's voice held a hint of grim satisfaction. "Undue attention is undesirable, but neither is cowardice. A balanced approach is key."

A wry smile touched Alex's lips. She was right. His initial apprehension stemmed from a desire for anonymity, but the potential rewards outweighed the risks. He was ready to face the consequences.

Their conversation flowed easily, punctuated by moments of lighthearted banter, until Alex landed on a crucial question. "Sil," he began, his voice laced with curiosity, "why were there no dead goblins on our way to the central cavern?"

"The two casualties you're referring to?" Silveria responded, her digital voice tinged with an enigmatic quality.

"They entered through a different passage. They might have encountered goblins, but their final confrontation was undoubtedly with the rare specimen. Their panicked flight explains their separation; one went left, the other right. The leader… eliminated the male first

''I see, it's must have been what happened. Well, may their souls rest in peace. I have done what I could.'' Alex with a heavy mood walked forward.