Chapter 27: Back to the Adventurer guild

Their conversation flowed easily, punctuated by moments of lighthearted banter, until Alex landed on a crucial question. "Sil," he began, his voice laced with curiosity, "why were there no dead goblins on our way to the central cavern?"

"The two casualties you're referring to?" Silveria responded, her digital voice tinged with an enigmatic quality.

"They entered through a different passage. They might have encountered goblins, but their final confrontation was undoubtedly with the rare specimen. Their panicked flight explains their separation; one went left, the other right. The leader… eliminated the male first

''I see, it's must have been what happened. Well, may their souls rest in peace. I have done what I could.'' Alex with a heavy mood walked forward.


Alex made his way towards the northern gate, where he was greeted by the familiar sight of numerous guards checking everyone entering and leaving the town. The captain of the guards, a robust man with a scar on his left cheek, welcomed him back with a smile. Alex exchanged pleasantries with the other guards and asked about the captain's family.

As they chatted, the captain expressed his concern about his mischievous twin children wanting to become adventurers when they grew up. He believed that pursuing riches and fame was not the path he wanted for them. Alex laughed at the captain's worries and shrugged off his comments about scars being a sign of true manhood.

After their conversation, Alex continued on his way, but not before noticing the captain's intense gaze. Feeling a sense of unease, Alex quickly entered the town, evading any further confrontation. The captain, left behind, sighed and lamented the younger generation's refusal to listen to their elders.

Alex soon encountered Sera, the daughter of a man named Smith. They exchanged greetings before Alex continued on his way towards the Adventurer guild. Inside the guild, he observed the bustling scene of adventurers returning from missions and others enjoying drinks and conversation. He caught the attention of a group of novice adventurers, who glared at him for no apparent reason.

Ignoring their hostility, Alex approached Leena, his preferred receptionist. He admired her professionalism and couldn't help but feel a bit protective of her when he saw other adventurers leering at her. Alex engaged in a brief conversation with Leena before asking to speak with her privately.

Leena, sensing the seriousness in Alex's expression, led him to a private room on the second floor. Alex revealed a bag filled with goblin ears and magic stones, surprising Leena. She asked him to explain, and Alex took a moment before sharing the details of his recent encounter with the goblins and his successful hunt.

The room fell silent as Leena processed the information. She was clearly taken aback by the amount of loot Alex had acquired. With curiosity in her eyes, she asked him to elaborate on his motivations and plans. Alex took a deep breath and began to share his ambitions, knowing that Leena was someone he could trust and confide in.

Malice crackled in the air like a live wire, emanating from a group huddled near the bar. Diaz and his companions, their faces contorted into masks of envy, locked eyes with Alex. Their gazes, sharp as venomous blades, could have skewered him on the spot. Unfazed by their hostility, Alex, a steely resolve settling in his eyes, led Leena towards the staircase. Their footsteps, a rhythmic counterpoint to the boisterous din of the Adventurer's Guild, faded into the murmur of hushed whispers as they ascended.

Reaching the second floor, they entered a secluded chamber. Bare and utilitarian, it offered only a sturdy table, worn chairs, and the comforting hum of the privacy barrier, a silent guardian against eavesdroppers. Tension coiled in the air, its tendrils wrapping around them as they settled across from each other. Alex, the weight of unspoken stories etched on his face, let out a sigh, the sound heavy with the secrets he carried.

With a practiced flick of his wrist, he unveiled his bag, its contents spilling onto the table in a macabre display. Thirty goblin ears, grisly trophies, lay alongside vibrant magic stones, pulsating with captured energy. The tableau, stark against the neutral backdrop, demanded attention.

Leena's response was immediate, her eyebrows arching into twin peaks of surprise.

"My word, Alex," she breathed, the single phrase a vessel carrying a multitude of unspoken questions.

The silence that followed stretched, thick with anticipation, each tick of the clock amplifying the unspoken query hanging in the air. Finally, leaning forward, her voice a low murmur, she spoke, her gaze unwavering.

"Tell me, Alex," she began, her voice laced with a hint of curiosity and a sliver of concern, "what tale do these trophies whisper? What story lies hidden within this bounty?"