Chapter 30: Level 10

Late that night, Alex was jolted awake by Gracier's terrified screams. She wasn't in her own bed, as usual, but curled up beside him, trembling and muttering incoherently.

"No, please... don't go... don't take me..." she whimpered.

"Mother, help me! Mom, don't leave..."

He let out a weary sigh and pulled her close, gently stroking her hair.

"It's okay, Gracier," he murmured soothingly.

"You're safe now. You're with me, Alex, your big brother."

With his reassurance, her body gradually relaxed, and her panicked breaths subsided. Soon, she was sleeping soundly again.

"Isn't she the sweetest thing?" Silveria's voice, soft but mocking, echoed in his head. "What a burden she must be, carrying the weight of all those sacrifices."

Alex frowned. He knew it was true. Gracier had lost everything: her mother, her friends, the villagers who protected her. The weight of their deaths must be crushing.

"Alone, aren't we all?" Silveria continued, her amusement tinged with something darker.

"But you have her now, your little sister. Don't tell me you don't enjoy the attention, Alex."

He let out another sigh, deeper this time. He didn't mind being there for Gracier, if that's what she needed.

"Let's get some sleep," he whispered, pulling the covers tighter around them both.


Sunlight, warm and golden, tiptoed through the sheer curtains, painting the room in a tranquil glow. Alex stirred, gently untangling himself from Gracier, who slept peacefully with his arm as a pillow.

A familiar tingle snaked up his limb, a reminder of its temporary slumber. He stretched, flexing his fingers until feeling returned, then padded toward the bathroom for a refreshing shower and a change of clothes.

Gracier remained asleep, her soft breaths barely audible. Curious about his progress, Alex thought of his status, and as if summoned by his mind, the translucent window materialized before him.


[Alexander Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 1」

Level 10

Experience Value (XP): 130/1100

Magic Power: 1190 ? 1200

Magic: None

Attack: 190 ? 200

Defense: 155 ? 165

Agility: 190 ? 200

Intelligence: 190 ? 200

Luck: 140 ? 150

BP: 20

SP: 10

Gift: Two Guns * Half-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 1] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 1] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 1] [Throwing knife Level 3] [Dark Vision Level 1] [Dual Wielding Level 1] (New Skill)

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

A jolt of surprise ran through Alex as he scanned his updated status. Two new entries gleamed back at him. Reaching Level 10 had granted him not only SP (Skill Points) but also a coveted skill: Dual Wielding.

He vividly recalled unlocking the skill during his encounter with the rare species. Necessity had forced him to combine his custom knife and trusty gun, and the unorthodox style had proven effective. Though he'd used this dual approach before, the official recognition felt monumental.

Eager to delve deeper, Alex focused on the new skill's description:

[Dual Wielding Level 1: The art of wielding two different weapons simultaneously. Mastery improves with increasing levels.]

A grin split his face. Dual Wielding was a welcome addition to his arsenal.

"Now for the SP," he muttered, switching his attention to the coveted Skill Points.

His time spent within the Temple of Gods' had provided valuable knowledge. Reaching Level 10 granted 10 SP, a currency used to power skill growth. Each Skill Point, he recalled reading, could empower a skill by one level until its fifth iteration. Beyond that, the cost doubled, requiring two SP per level until reaching the coveted max of Level 10.

"Wise allocation is key," Alex murmured, the weight of his first SP settling on him. The next point wouldn't arrive until Level 20. Where should he invest?

Meanwhile, Alex's introspective silence remained unnoticed by Gracier. She had awakened to find herself, not in her own bed, but nestled beside him. A blush crept up her cheeks. Finally, she understood the source of the deep, peaceful sleep she hadn't experienced in ages. Being near someone she could fully trust, someone who lowered her guard, had brought this unexpected solace.

It was strange, trusting him so implicitly after just meeting yesterday. Yet, within her, a conviction settled. Alex wouldn't harm her, wouldn't exploit her like those despicable men.

An unexplainable pull drew her to him, a whisper that somehow, being by his side, her fate intertwined with his, would bring change. Call it intuition, a woman's gut feeling, but she knew she hadn't erred in choosing to join him on his adventures.

Gracier yearned for strength, the ability to protect not just herself, but others. She never again wanted to be the helpless one, the burden bearer. The pain was too much.

As Alex pondered his path, Gracier silently resolved to forge her own, side by side with him. Together, they would face the future, their destinies forever intertwined.

Gracier shook her head, dispelling the blush on her face as she envisioned the future together with him, she soon headed for the bathroom.

Emerging clean and dressed, she found Alex still deep in thought.

Tentatively, she called out,

"Big brother? Big brother?"

Alex finally snapped out of his reverie, turning to her with a warm smile. "Morning, Gracier. Sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you, Big Brother Alex," she replied, a flicker of anxiety in her voice. Was he upset about her sleeping in his bed?

Alex chuckled softly, noticing her tension. "Everything alright, Gracier? You seem a little on edge."

Her shoulders slumped in relief. He wasn't angry. "I... I thought you might be mad because I slept in your bed," she mumbled, fiddling with her fingers.

Alex's chuckle deepened. He recalled the earlier discussion with Silveria, where they debated his SP allocation. Silveria had proposed four points to Appraisal, two to Throwing Knife, and the remaining four left unassigned for now. He had initially felt hesitant, but her reasoning resonated.

"Not at all, Gracier," he reassured her.

"In fact, I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to do so. Remember, you're welcome here."

Gracier's gaze softened, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. The warmth in his voice calmed her racing heart.

"Thank you, Big Brother Alex."

Alex followed Silveria's suggestion.


[Alexander Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 1」

Level 10

Experience Value (XP): 130/1100

Magic Power: 1200 (+ 20 BP)

Magic: None

Attack: 200

Defense: 165

Agility: 200

Intelligence: 200

Luck: 150

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 2] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

As always, Alex poured his Bonus Points (BP) into his Magic Point stat. Satisfied with his skill and stat allocation, he turned to Silveria, curiosity flickering in his eyes.

"Why the four points in Appraisal, Silveria?"

A sly smile stretched across her ethereal form. "If that young lady, Gracier, returns," she purred,

"Use Appraisal on her. You might be surprised by what you find."

Gracier's return instantly brought Silveria's words to mind. He focused his will, summoning his newly enhanced Appraisal skill.

Just as he began, a low growl rumbled from across the room. Gracier's cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment. While the previous night's meal had been generous, her captivity had left her malnourished. Her body, still adjusting to normal meals, craved more.

Alex watched her amused, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"Looks like breakfast can't wait. Chat later, alright?"

Gracier, relieved by the interruption, nodded.

Together, they descended to the first floor, the promise of food and conversation hanging in the air.