Chapter 31: Gracier's Talent

The morning bustle filled the air as Alex and Gracier entered the first floor. Customers buzzed with conversation, their voices weaving between the clatter of dishes and Lea's warm greetings. Spotting the siblings, Lea flashed a welcoming smile.

"Morning, Gracier, Alex! Grab a seat, I'll have your breakfasts out in a jiffy."

With a practiced twirl, Lea disappeared into the kitchen. The rhythmic sizzle of frying bacon and the clink of mugs soon followed. Returning with steaming plates, she placed them before the siblings with a touch of apology.

"Sorry, Gracier, swamped today as you can see. But, promise we'll have our girl talk later, alright?"

Before Gracier could respond, Lea was whisked away by another customer's call. Gracier watched her go, a small smile playing on her lips. Turning to Alex, her eyes held a silent question.

Alex chuckled, understanding unspoken communication well. "Let's dig in," he said, gesturing to their plates.

Gracier's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Understood, Big Brother."

Minutes later, empty plates sat abandoned. A comfortable silence settled between them as they savored the aftertaste of breakfast. Finally, Alex spoke, his voice laced with curiosity.

"There's something I want to try," he announced. Gracier, ever attuned to his moods, inclined her head in silent agreement.

"Appraisal," Alex murmured, his gaze fixed on Gracier. In a flash of blue light, a translucent window materialized, displaying information only he could see. Gracier's status, laid bare for his eyes.


Class: Magician

Age: 14


Level 1

Experience Value:0/100

Magic Power: 600

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 70

Defense: 60

Agility: 50

Intelligence: 70

Luck: 100

BP: 0

Gift: [ ]

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3]

Titles: [Avenger]

Surprise washed over Alex as Gracier's status unfolded before him. The girl was a raw talent, a fire mage in the making. Even without a Gift, she could be honed, though her potential wouldn't match a Gifted one whose Gift amplified their magic.

Suddenly, his gaze snagged on the "Gift" section. But it was blank. Intrigued, Alex sought the one person who held the answers. As if sensing his focus, Silveria chimed in.

〖Master, a hidden gem lies before you. This girl is Gifted, and I wager her Gift is no small thing.〗

"Really?" Alex blurted out, oblivious to Gracier's presence and forgetting Silveria could hear his unvoiced thoughts.

"Big brother Alex, are you alright?" Gracier's worried voice filled the room.

"Yes, Gracier, don't worry," Alex replied, waving a hand to dismiss her concern.

Gracier sighed and settled back.

Meanwhile, Alex's mind buzzed. If Gracier was Gifted, why couldn't he see it?

〖It's simple, Master. Don't you recall how the Goddess Mea awakened your own Gift?〗 Silveria responded.

"Ah, yes," Alex mused. "So her Gift remains dormant. How do we activate it?"

"Simple," Silveria purred, her voice sending shivers down Alex's spine even despite its usual ethereal quality.

"However, I'll need your body for a few seconds."

Alex's surprise melted into wry amusement. "Even possession is within your capabilities?"

**"Not without your consent, Master," Silveria clarified, a playful lilt in her tone. "Though I reserve the right in emergencies, of course. But enough chit-chat. Do we have an accord?"**

Alex hesitated, picturing the potential awkwardness. This wouldn't be a gentle awakening. Still, Gracier's potential was too important to ignore.

"Let's do it," he finally decided, bracing himself.

As he yielded control, his consciousness dimmed, fading to a distant observer. Silveria took the reins, her essence shimmering within his now borrowed form.

The shift was immediate. Gracier, who had been fiddling with a loose thread on her clothes, felt an icy presence settle upon her. She looked up, meeting eyes that no longer held the warmth she knew. A tremor ran through her, like a small animal sensing a predator. This wasn't Alex.

**"Hold still, little Gracier," Silveria's voice, now tinged with a predatory edge, slithered into the room. "It'll be swift."**

Silveria advanced, her inhuman grin widening as Gracier instinctively recoiled, her back pressed against the headboard. Panic bloomed in the girl's eyes, a stark contrast to the steely resolve Silveria projected.

From the depths of his fading awareness, Alex groaned internally. Silveria was laying it on thick, relishing the dramatics. He could practically hear her humming a villainous tune. With a helpless sigh, he wished she'd just get on with it.

A jolt, like a bolt of lightning coursing through her veins, ripped Gracier from her thoughts. When she opened her eyes, fear battled confusion. Alex stood above her, hand outstretched, his brow furrowed in concentration. His whispered words were an unintelligible foreign tongue, yet they resonated deep within her bones.

As the final syllable faded, a warmth bloomed in her chest, spreading outwards like wildfire. It intensified, a furnace within, before receding as quickly as it came, leaving behind an invigorating tingle. Exhaustion washed over her, dragging her eyelids closed.

Alex (Silveria) sighed, the strain evident on his sweat-dampened forehead. "It's done, Master. Wait for her to wake, then use your Appraisal to reveal her Gift."

With that, control shifted back to Alex. Fatigue clawed at him, forcing him onto the bed beside the unconscious Gracier.

In her own realm, Silveria's voice echoed. "Such potential hidden within this girl. To think...she could be the one. Master is fortunate, wouldn't you agree, sister?"

Silence answered her. Silveria sighed, and the scene faded to black.


Gracier's world dissolved into a vortex of crimson flames.

The heat radiated with unimaginable intensity, yet she felt strangely unfazed, her body seemingly immune to the inferno. The world trembled, and a colossal shadow loomed, coalescing into a magnificent red dragon, easily over fifty meters long. As the dragon emerged, the flames subsided, bowing in reverence like subjects before their queen.

A strange mix of awe and inexplicable excitement welled within Gracier. The dragon's golden eyes fixated on her, followed by a booming chuckle that shook the very flames. The dragon's form shrank rapidly, transforming into a breathtakingly beautiful woman with flowing red hair, golden eyes, and a regal air. Two curved horns adorned her head, and a long red robe draped her form.

"I have a feeling you'll be a remarkable vessel," the woman spoke, her voice echoing with power and amusement.

"Forgive my earlier omission. I am Ignia, Fire Dragon Goddess, and from this moment, your host."

Gracier, still reeling from the surreal experience, stammered, "I... I'm Gracier."

Ignia's smile widened, impressed by the girl's composure despite the awe-inspiring presence.

"Good. Now, we are bound. You shall wield my power. But our time is short. Let me offer a parting gift."

Before Gracier could inquire, a searing pain erupted in her left eye. The world around her dissolved, replaced by the familiar comfort of her bed. The pain lingered, a throbbing reminder of her encounter.

In the realm beyond, Ignia sighed.

"So it begins, as you predicted,

''Thank you for awakening me. This girl will be her champion. It seems your sister hasn't awakened yet. Patience, then."

With a final murmur, the scene faded, leaving only the echo of Ignia's words and the lingering heat in Gracier's eye.


Concern flickered across Alex's face as he noticed Gracier tremble in her sleep. Moments later, a single tear of blood trickled from her closed left eye.

"Silveria, what's happening?!" he hissed, panic lacing his voice.

〖Hush, Master. This is a blessing, not a cause for alarm. Patience, you'll see soon enough.〗

Silveria's cryptic reply calmed Alex slightly, although unease lingered. His gaze remained fixed on Gracier, who slowly stirred and sat up.

As her eyes opened, Alex felt an invisible weight settle upon him, a pressure emanating from Gracier's form. He gasped, bewildered. She had changed. The aura she exuded was undeniably hers, yet… different. More potent. It stemmed from her left eye, which had transformed from its original red to a mesmerizing gold. It held an ancient power, both beautiful and intimidating.

Gracier offered a radiant smile, her voice melodious and brimming with newfound confidence.

"I'm back, Big Brother. And now, I can truly stand by your side on your journey."