Chapter 415: Apparition of the Sea Dragon

Four days later, halfway through their destination, Alex's ship was about to arrive near the Wolfang Empire. Yesterday night Alex had a chat with his friends; Leon was still stuck in his hometown, accompanying his sister while Ferris and Eris were taking some trial. Kuina was busy as well.

Sakuya had learned to fight against her phobia, it wasn't perfect yet, but some progress had been made; she could not sit on her bed and not tremble as she used to on their first days, however, going on the deck to enjoy the sea was still not possible.

''I think you have made pretty good progress; you should keep up,'' Alex said he was alone with Sakuya; Lilith has gone out for some fresh air.

Suddenly, Lilith entered without knocking. 

''What is happening?" Sakuya was the first to raise this question; due to her oversensitivity in the sea, she knew something was happening, and indeed she was right.