Chapter 416: Vs the Sea Dragon

After receiving Lilith's message, Alex smiled. 

''Ops! Sometimes it dawned over me that I didn't have any defensive skills; I must think of something.'' Alex said while dodging another water bullet.

[Kuh! Your humans are always trying to disturb my sleep.] 

Unexpectedly, the Sea Dragon was intelligent enough to speak human language. This greatly startled Alex. 

''So can talk, huh?! Doesn't change anything.'' Alex spat out while firing a phantom bullet at the monster; as expected, it did nothing to the monster. 

[Today, none of you shall live here alive, I will slaughter you and destroy few humans cities.] The sea dragon said threateningly, but the only response he received from Alex was a simple chuckle; the monster became surprised; normally, when he faced such a threat, he should have rushed forward in rage to defend his peers, like that the monster could catch him off guard, unfortunately, the monster plan failed miserably.