Chapter 1046: Weird Request and the deal

Surprisingly, there was a good number of youngsters in the lounge, most likely the students of the Foxia magic academy, which was not far from this place.

Their group caught the attention of nearly everyone, and the reason was simply the devilish looks of Alex that hooked them all. Some youngsters were sneaking glances at the girl by his side too. The two didn't bother disguising themselves.

The two ordered and ate soon, a few minutes later they have finished eating and were now drinking wine.

''So, mind telling me why you wanted to meet me?'' Finally, unable to take it any longer Alex asked but Incursio finished her wine before saying.

''The reason I have called you out is that I have something I want to ask you, a deal if you want.'' 

''Oh? I'm curious what kind of deal do you want to make with me?" Alex became interested as soon as he heard these words.