Chapter 1047: Finally Making Love With Incursio 1*

Her wonderfully soft breasts pressed on his body, and even without looking, he could tell they were modest yet beautiful breasts, unique like every other woman's breasts.

Alex couldn't caress her breasts, so he caressed her back, slowly stroking the length of her spine as they continued to kiss.

Incursio's body shuddered as she moaned into his mouth at the succulent warmth his fingers provided. She felt an unknown and foreign sensation creeping up her spine but she did not dislike it, on the contrary, she was curious and wanted to experience more of this feeling.

And for Alex it was the time to teach her the real thing, to finally make her a woman.

Therefore, he continued with his assault, it gave Incursio an entirely new sensation.

This new sensation flipped her head backward, freeing Alex's lips.

Upon seeing this Alex acted swiftly, his mouth nibbling on her ear, he had to continue with his assault.
