Back to old home.

Ani hugs her, and Sia knows that he forgave her. But still she can't calm down. She is feeling too much guilt but still controls her feeling. Ani pulls his handkerchief and wipes out her tears. Seeing the loving and caring scene, the audience shouts, "kiss, kiss." Sia got dumbfounded. Isn't this song is about friendship? Then why they concluded that they have something between them. She pushes him away and said that he is not her boyfriend. She thanked everyone for listening to her song.

"Really?" the Dj asks her,

"Yup! my girlfriend cant be so ugly," Ani said while showing an arrogant expression. Now everyone knows that they are best friends and the girl who looks so young must have lost her child. Ani is not that famous now. But, he will get famous at the end of this year, Sia remembers and leaves the stage with Ani.

What she doesn't know is some other people are watching her. These people are no others but, Arjun, Shivani, Sanjay, Kira(Arnav's sis), Arnav, and Mayra(Shivani's sister) recognized Sia's voice. Especially Arnav, previously she sang a love song for him, but that is a long time ago.

 There are some gossips in their circle about Sia and Ani. But he knows the truth, but today seeing her singing a song and crying in his arm made him somewhat restless. He is guilty this time but what made him more tensed was that he never saw her this weak, like she lost everything.

Unlike everyone thinks, he never hated her. He just maintains his distance because he thought, that Sanjay hates her. Later her pestering made him tired, but her continuous efforts are not that fruitful. He also gets attracted to her, and now he loves her. He just doesn't like her bold attitude and her nature of getting jealous of everything. There may be a safety reason too. But now, he really wishes that she can become strong again.

Mayra looks towards Sia and says, "Didn't she had a miscarriage a few days ago? And now fooling with her ex-boyfriend, she really doesn't have any shame."

Listening to this, Arnav gets angry. He knows the relationship between them, and even Sanjay feels bad for her. He knows his sister only loves Arnav. But before he can say anything, Kira said, "they are only friends, and where are they fooling? Can't you see, bhabhi(sister-in-law) is crying."

"hmph," Myara hmphed. Seeing the situation, Shivani said, "Mayra, don't say bad words about Sia. She is emotionally weak now. She just lost her child."

"but still she is in a night club, isn't it wrong," Arjun said,

"So am I wrong too? I also lost my child," Arnav said. Listening to this, Shivani gets panicked as she had made lots of effort for the gathering here. She just wanted to console Arnav and get close to him, but what if he gets angry, he might leave.

While she is thinking, she sees Sia and Ani coming towards them, not actually but, they are standing midway through the door.

 Seeing Sia, Kira goes towards her and gives her a hug. Kira really likes Sia. She knows that Sia is not bad, just a little straightforward and somewhat mischievous. But nothing much. But yesterday, Nandini told her what happened to her and even informed her that Sia wants a divorce. She can understand that, if Sia is asking for a divorce, then it must have hurt her badly. She is very worried about her and wanted to meet her. But don't know what to say after meeting her.

Seeing Kira after a long time, Sia also gets happy. She really likes this little girl. She asks her why she is here as she remembers that her exams are near. But before she can answer, Myara said, "of course, to celebrate my sister's success. She is not a rice worm, unlike some other people."

"Ohh then, what are you?" Ani asks,

"you don't dare to say anything to me. I am not a bastard like you." Myra said,

"whom you calling rice worm and bastard, Miss Myra? Wait, let me call my father, and you can explain that to him," Sia said. She knows how to handle these people.

"She is just a child Sia, don't take her words to heart. Come celebrate with us." Shivani said.

She knows now Sia will create commotion here so that she can show Arnav how bad she is.

"Thanx but, baba is waiting for me, some other time, bye," Sia said and wanted to leave while pulling Ani, but before that, she gets pulled towards the door. She looks, who is pulling her and get surprised to see it is Arnav. He pulls her hand with force, so it hurts her. Previously she got hit there due to crashing on the table so, she hissed. Hearing this, Arnav loses his grip but still pulls her towards the door. Seeing this, Ani asks him what he is doing. To which he replied, taking his wife home.

Ani looks towards Shivani and Myra and smiles wickedly, and leaves. He wanted to talk with Sia. But thinks to contact her tomorrow. Now he doesn't want to disturb her.

Here Arnav pulls her and throws her in the car. He is really angry, seeing her too close to Ani. He is quite restless, the moment when she told him that she wanted a divorce. But he thinks this must be playing hard to get near, but now he is sure that she is serious.

He takes out the first aid box from the cabinet and starts to treat her hand. Sia is not surprised. She got to know this man show care in very different from. But he just cares, don't love she thinks in her mind.

After he treats her wound, he starts the car. Sia sees they are going towards their old house and tell him to drop her at her house. He doesn't want to but still chose to drop her. On the way, they both are silent. Arnav now misses his old Sia, who can talk non-stop. He really feels uncomfortable. So he asked when she is coming back, on which he doesn't get replied. He looks towards her and finds out that she has fallen asleep. He smiles, looking at her sleep despite an uncomfortable position. He decided to go to their home. Otherwise, he will not get a chance to talk with her.

 He knows Udhav will not allow him to talk with her unless he found out who is behind the accident. And he already got some clues. But that clues are suspecting some people who are near to him. Anyways right now, his priority is to say sorry to her.