So much to know.

Arnav takes her to their old home, carried her inside their bedroom, and put her on the bed. His action is quite slow so that Sia won't get disturbed and doesn't wake up. After putting her on the bed, he goes outside and calls Udhav and tells him that Sia is with him. Udhav didn't talk much with him. He just tells him to take care of her and send her tomorrow. On which he agreed.

      After the call ends, he goes to the bedroom, removes her shoes, and covers her with a quilt. Then he takes a bath, wears his nightclothes, and sleeps beside her. He investigates the matter and found out that the people who cause this accident are those who wanted to destroy him. And yup Shivani is also related to that accident. She sent Sia some ambiguous photos of them. But Arnav knew that these pics were clicked when they met with such an angle that made it look different, and some were fabricated. And the person who sneakily took the photos might be Arjun. So he doubts that maybe they both are involved in the accident.

    He also found out the call recording of Shivani. But he thinks that Shivani might just want to create some problems between them and may not want to kill Sia. But still, they lost their child. Talking about the other people, they are none other than the drug and child trafficker mafia. His father previously worked in a special force department. And when he got married, he resigned and joined their family business. He is a very sharp-minded person, and got success in business, and expanded it. But he still helps his previous agency in dealing with the drug mafia, and child trafficker. But once, he offended & killed one right-hand man of the mafia, who was very notorious. Later, he killed his father. But in reality, they didn't find his corpse.

    There is some proof telling them that his father is no more. The Mafia and his people even create some problems for his family. But his father's co-worker helped and protected them. Later with his business, he also joined the agency. He is not a full-time agent, but he helps financially and in other ways as he can. Sometimes he even provides information, because lots of the time, drug dealers use a businessman in smuggling. He also knows this, and he has a wide networker of the informer.

    He even once went on a mission. He just wanted to destroy those who killed his father, and he even got successful in this. But now, things are quite complicated. They dared to attack his family and use his own dear ones this time. The doctor told him that this accident was enough to kill Sia. Thankfully bodyguards were there, and they quickly took her to the hospital. She had strong luck that she survived. But unfortunately, their child died. Her body was badly injured. She spent more than 15 days in the hospital and need to rest for at least 3 months. Still, there are chances that old injuries might relapse.

He feels guilty. If she didn't have married him, she might not have got injured like this. This is one of the reasons why he didn't want to get married. Because he feels that his enemy might threaten him using his family.

        He never liked any other girl previously. He had some thoughts about Shivani, first because his mom asked him about her, and second because she was a mature and calm person. But now his impression about her worsens. He today went to the club because he wanted to confront her, but met Sia there and forgot about everything. He knows he loves Sia and is quite sure about this now.

Sia is beautiful, cute, and childish. He knows her for a long time, but never tried to get close to her. But she always followed him. Later she used lots of tacit on him, proposed to him serval times, and even fight with him. She learned to cook for him, she does lots of things which he can't ignore. Later, when she drugged him, he got angry. But still married her, he could have denied it but, he didn't. And even Udhav can't do anything. But he chooses her. Later, she daily waited for him to eat together. She doesn't have her food until he arrives.

      He is quite helpless in front of her. So he had started to come home early. Sometimes she kisses him with her own accord. He never refused her. He also wanted to hold her but had the fear that he would harm their baby. Days went on. She would get angry if he went near any woman. It is not like he had an affair with any of them. She just doesn't like him talking with any women, specially Shivani. But later, he got tired of this, and they often had a fight. She was very much possessive, and every time threatened him with child. He tried to do compromise. But still, things went wrong, and they had a fight before her accident.

    That day he shouted at her too much. Now he regrets it. She must have felt sad that time. And then the next day the photos were sent to her. She might have thought that he left her for Shivani. But that was not the case. Anyways, things had already happened. He can't change it, but he decided that it is better if they get divorced. Because those people might hurt her again. This time he failed to protect her. She is too disappointed with him. Right now, he just wanted to say sorry to her, even if she won't forgive him. Thinking all these, he also falls asleep near her.

The next day, Sia wakes up and found out that she is in her old bedroom. She remembers that yesterday Arnav brought her here. She lived for a long time, in her previous life. She didn't go back to her home and stayed here for a long time, even after the death of Arnav.

      It can be called her home. Anyways, seeing this home, she remembers lots of things. She shakes her head and finds her clothes in this house. Fortunately, they are at the same place. After that, she takes a bath and wears her clothes. Then she comes outside and sees Shanta aunty is making breakfast. Seeing her, she remembers, she is one of those who took care of her. She goes and hugs her. Getting an unexpected hug from their owner is quite surprising but, she knows that Sia is just like this. She treated her just like her grandma, and she also likes her.

    This child has a bad temper but, she has a pure heart. But god is really cruel to her and takes her child. After that hug, she asks aunt what's on the breakfast. On which aunt tells her that, today she prepared Uthappa and appe with chutney and sambar. This is her favourite dish. Aunt also tells her that, Arnav had especially told her to make this. Sia is quite surprised as she never knew that Arnav knows her favourites. So there is still so much to know Sia thinks in her mind.