
Arnav also comes for breakfast this time and finds Sia is chatting with the aunt. Seeing her fine, he feels good. He also joins the breakfast. But seeing him, Sia felt awkward as she doesn't know what to say. Aunt also felt the tension between them. She quickly serves them and leaves the house. On the dining table, they both sit very awkwardly. It is the first time in their life that they are behaving like this. Previously even if they had fights, they at least had a topic to talk about.  In this whole world, he only fights with Sia so much.

After finishing breakfast, Sia decided to break the ice,

"Thank you for yesterday," Sia said,

"hmm, how are you feeling? Haven't Doctor tell you to rest? Still, you are...."

"hmm, I am just tired of sleeping. So I went to find Ani"


"....okay, now I will go back home. Dad might be worried."

"don't worry, I have called him already. But when are you coming back?"

"I won't come back. I will send you the divorce papers by someone."

"....You are sure about this"



"husband," Sia looks towards him. She decided that she will apologize for everything she has done with him,

"yes" Arnav don't know what she wanted to say, but feels good after hearing her call him husband,

"Sorry for everything. I messed up everything. Sorry." She again wasn't able to control her feeling. She remembers everything she did. How she fights with him and others, how she never considered his feeling. Seeing her sobbing, Arnav really feels bad. He pulls her towards him and hugs her. He already decided that he will say sorry. But to his surprise, it is Sia who is apologizing,

"Don't cry, and Don't say sorry. It's me who wasn't able to protect you and our child. It is me who should feel guilty. I am sorry" Arnav also can't control his tears. He really wanted this child. But unfortunately ...

They both are too emersed in their feeling that they don't see Arjun, Shivani, and Sanjay coming. Arjun coughs, seeing that his brother is embarrassing Sia. Listening to this, they both look towards them. Sia struggles to get out of Arnav's arms but wasn't successful.

    She looks towards him, he hugs her more tightly. He knows that he needed to leave Sia for her better future, but he is not willing to... Sia is also surprised. She never knew that Arnav will act like this one day. The person who had never talked with her lovingly is acting like this. What is happening?

"Dad told me to send Sia home with her things," Sanjay said awkwardly,

"Okay," Arnav said, and leaves her,

"I will pack my things," Sia said,

"no, they will stay here. When you come back, you can use those."

"...."  Sia really doesn't know what to say. But after some consideration, she decided to not discuss this now. While this, Sanjay's phone rang, and he takes the phone. After attending the call, he informs that he needs to go to the company and asked if Sia can go alone. On which she agreed, But Arnav interrupts and tells her that he will drop her. But Arjun reminded him that he has a meeting after some time. So Arnav tells him to drop Sia. While he tells Sanjay to take Shivani with him to protect Sia. But she misunderstood him that he wanted to spend time with Shivani.

    After that, they all leave the house. Arnav decides that he must ask Shianvi and Arjun today about the things they did. He just doesn't ask in front of Sia because he doesn't want her to get angry again.

Arjun is quite reluctant to go with Sia. But he can't disobey his brother. He suggested meeting because he wanted to give Shivani and Arnav some time. But his big brother didn't get the hint. Moreover, he feels like his big brother really likes Sia, which is quite impossible.

    He knows Sia's temper. So it is impossible that his brother likes this type of woman. And what more it is Sia who wanted to take divorce. He learned from his mom, that Sia wanted a divorce. And after today's incident, he understood that his brother doesn't want to leave Sia. He is confused and can't get what is happening? He can't understand anymore. Sia is also thinking the same. She knows that Arnav cares for her and also knows that he doesn't love Shivani. But what he did today made her confused.

"It is because you changed your attitude" She heard the voice of the person who gave her this life,

"Really?"She asks,

"so you wanted to say that in the previous life, Arnav had the same feeling for me."


"then why didn't I understood?"

"because of your low IQ."

"hmmm,"  while she is talking with the system, Arjun thinks a lot of things. He can't take it anymore and asks Sia, "why are you doing this?"

"What?" Sia asked. Suddenly heard his question and didn't understand what he is saying.

"I am asking you, if you love my brother, then why are you divorcing him. Or your love is fake?"

"My love is not fake."


"Due to miscarriage, I have very few chances to get pregnant again. You can say I am not useful to give your family an heir."

"what?" Arjun really doesn't know that her accident injured her so much, in reality. She was never his concern, but now he feels somewhat guilty about his yesterday's outbreak. But one more thing, the Sia in front of him is quite changed. She has become much more mature and somewhat calm.

    Yesterday, when he listened to her voice, he felt her loneliness more due to the song. He wanted to become her friend but, this feeling ended with the end song. While they both are immersed in their thoughts, Sia reaches home. She said thank you to Arjun and was about to go inside when she heard him saying sorry in a very low voice. She turns towards him and pats his head. And said don't think much about this, things already happened, and she can't change them. After that, she leaves. Arjun didn't know what to say. He can't understand the world anymore.